Chapter 29

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Stacey's pov

It's been a month since the whole drama Niall has another two months off until he goes on tour for 3 months so he is back when I am 7 months he will then have 5 month break to help with the baby for a couple of months before he goes back on tour for another 2 months. The kids are really excited about the baby! We have an appointment at the doctors 2 days before Niall goes on tour and we find out the gender, I am hoping its a girl but really as long as they are healthy I don't mind I know Niall wants a boy but is the same as me just wanting them to be healthy.

Right know I am backstage getting my hair and make up done before I got into my dress! Today was the day me and Niall got married and to say I was nervous was an understatement.

After finally getting laced up into my dress I stepped out to look in the mirror. The boys stylist Lou was with me! I stood in front of the giant mirror and gasped at the sight, my hair and make up had been done perfectly and I felt like a princess. I don't care if I sound stuck up I feel and think I look beautiful. Lou walked over to me and placed the veil which was attached to a small tiara and layer it softly on my hair. At that moment the door opened and in game my children all dressed up in their little outfits and my brother.

"You look beautiful sis" Harry said kissing my cheek. "Thanks Harry" "mummy looks pretty" Charlie said and Alexa and Logan nodded their head! "Thanks babies" I said bending down to kiss all of their cheeks. My mum walked into my room with dad "it's time hunni" she said and I nodded following behind! My two boys are carrying the rings on the pillows and my little girl is my flower girl along side Lou's daughter Lux, my Dad and Danny are walking me down the isle. The boys' girlfriend along with Gemma are my bridesmaids. My dad didn't mind that I asked Danny to walk me down the isle he understood that I grew up with Danny and he was my second dad.

I stand out side and my dad and Danny both lifted my veil so it's over my face as the music began. After my bridesmaids and the groomsmen walked down my flowers girl Los and ring boys walked down. Soon after I followed. Niall turned around and smiled brightly. Everybody was stood up and was looking at me. We got to the end and both Danny and my dad lifted my veil to kiss my cheek and put it down again.

Niall took my hands as we stood In front of the priest who began. When it came to our vowels Niall went first.

"Stacey, we met first by mistake and and met second by fate. When we found out you were pregnant I was happy. I was sad I didn't get to help you through and be there with you through birth but I am glad you gave me a chance. It's crazy that you hated me when we first met, but we have gone through so many things together and we are still going strong. We have our moments but what couple doesn't. You being in my life has made me the luckiest guy in the world as I am with the most amazing and beautiful girl in the world and we have 3 soon to be 4 wonderful children together. I promise that I will be with you forever and will stick with you through everything that is too come in our lives together. I love you so much and I can't wait to call you Mrs Horan." He finished and I was in tears. I re composed myself to start.

"Niall, you have changed my whole world around. Before I met you I thought that no one would love me. I behaved badly and was always in trouble. When we met I hated you and even my brother because I thought that you and the boys were all snobby pop stars but you all proved me wrong. I know you couldn't help through the pregnancy but when you showed up after I gave birth to Charlie I was over the moon that I he had his father. I am thankful for Samantha for telling my brother and him who got you to the hospital. I am so glad I gave you a chance and I have never regretted it. When we had the twins I was even more happy that my family with you was growing. Now with the baby on the way I feel that our family is complete. I promise I will stick with you through whatever and will care for you and love you and our children with everything I have. I love you." I finished and I wiped his eye quickly.

"Do you Niall James Horan take Stacey Anne Styles to be your wife?"

"I do" he answered and I smiled.

"And do you Stacey Anne Styles take Niall James Horan to be your husband"

"I do" I said

"With the power invested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride"

Niall lifted the veil over my head and cupped my cheek we both leaned in and pressed our lips together in a passionate and love filled kiss. Our guests all clapped and we pulled apart, we turned to everyone and began walking down the isle. Our parents were bringing the kids to the reception.

The photographer was waiting outside to get the photos. They took a lot of us and then some with our parents and some with our bridesmaids and groomsmen. Some of us and the children. Lux joined in for a couple, soon there were a couple with all of our guest. Me and Niall finally got into a limo that was waiting to take us to the venue. Me and Niall mainly kissed on the way there and kept telling each other we love each other. I was snuggled up to him, the smile on my face not going anywhere soon. I knew I would be smiling for a long, long time.

We finally arrived at the venue and just waited a while before we went in. Just happy to be together and alone for a few moments.

A/n - Sorry if it's short, I am using my phone.
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