Chapter 17

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*8 3/4 pregnant*

Stacey's pov

These past few months have been exhausting, I have been so tired and emotional. One minute I am laughing next minute I am crying for no reason. Niall being the mature person he is decides to laugh at every mood swing - catch on with the sarcasm i used?- because apparently it's funny, how nice of him.

As it gets closer to my due date, panic mode sets in knowing I will have to look after Charlie and two babies while Niall works, Charlie still being young himself will be nagging me to play with him or if he is hungry, the only time I can do that is when the babies are sleeping.

It was so difficult just being pregnant when Niall was in tour, so when I have three children and he is on tour it's going to be even more difficult but luckily the girls all stayed and helped me out with some cravings and stuff, I am gratefully they were able to stay and thankful that they did.

It was hard because I missed Niall so much, he would call every time he could which was about once a week which if you ask me is to little. When he got back I would have jumped on him at the airport but I couldn't as my stomach got in the way, so I simply walked and hugged him for about 10 minutes before welcoming the other boys back.

We then spent the rest of that day cuddled on the sofa with Charlie watching films as a family. We had ordered pizza and obviously had to get Charlie's baby food from the kitchen. Charlie went to bed and me and Niall just stayed snuggled up on the sofa his hand on my stomach as the girls both kicked.

Right now I am in my room laying on the bed rubbing my stomach, Charlie is visiting Harry and Niall had an interview by himself. The boys are with their girlfriends.

A sudden pains shoots through my stomach and I scream, a feel water on my legs and I know what that means I am in labour. I grab my phone from the bed side table and scroll to find Nialls contact.

"Hello? Babe I am in a interview" he answered "YEAH AND I AM IN F*CNING LABOUR SO GET HOME NOW" I screamed then with a normal scream as pain hit in my stomach again "ok babe I am on my way I won't be long, call Harry ok" he said "baby hurry it hurts so much" I whimpered "baby I am going to hang up call Harry I love you" he said "I love you too" I said and the call ended I dialled Harry's number.

"Hello?" He answered "Harry please I need you" I whimpered "AHHHHHHHHH" I screamed as another contraction hit "sis you ok? What's going in" he said panicked "i'm in labour please come to my house Niall is on his way home from an interview and told me to phone you please" I said "I am on my way" he said and hung up.

I waited and waited I need someone, the pain, it hurts so much I need Niall with me.

"BABE" Niall shouted "Bedroom" I shouted back and a pain hit again "AHHHHHHH Niall please" I heard our door open and he rushed up the stairs. "Babe come on, lets get you tithe hospital quickly" he said helping me up. "It hurts so much" I whimpered as we walked to the ground level of our bedroom.

Harry arrived as we stepped out the house, we all got into Harry's car, Niall sat in the middle seat next to Charlie and me. I gave Charlie a kiss "hey bubba" I said "hi mama" he said back I squeezed Niall's hand as a pain hit as Harry drove us to the hospital.

When we arrived Harry got Charlie out and carried him in and Nialls helped me walk, Charlie had no idea what was going on bless him. We got the counter "my girlfriend is in labour" Niall blurted out and soon a nurse came I along with a wheelchair.

I got into the room "right lets see how far dilated you are. After she checked "right you are fully dilated I will go get some of the nurse I will be back shortly" she said and rushed out. "Niall" I whimpered and looked into his eyes "baby it will be ok everything will be fine I promise".

The nurses came back in and handed a pair of scrubs to Niall, he quickly out it on and stood beside me holding my hand and stroking my hair comforting me.

"When you feel the contraction hit, push ok" she said. I waited for the contraction which was about a second after she had said it "AHHHHHHH" I screamed as I pushed.

I repeated that until I heard babies screams fill the room "congratulations it's a boy" the nurse said "we got told it was twin girls" Niall said "they must have gotten it wrong because that is defiantly a boy" she said. A nurse took him away to clean him how Hilary a pushed the second one out.

After the pain and pushing another babies scream was heard. "Congratulations this one is a girl" she said. They took her off to be cleaned while they clean up my room I was extremely tired my hair was soaked from sweat.

Niall kissed my forehead "you did it babe I am so proud of you with have three babies now" he whispered "two boys and a girl" I breathed out. Two nurses walked in holding our babies and handed them to me, I held both of them in each arm, I pecked both of their foreheads "hi babies mummy and daddy loves you" I cooed.

After a while Niall got a hold then passed them back to me, Harry and Charlie walked in and my parents and Samantha and Danny.

Harry brought Charlie over "bubba meet your sister and brother" I said "hi babas" he said with a smile "they are beautiful" mum cooed achar like laid on my stomach with is head on my chest with a baby in each arm to the side, Harry decided to take a picture.

Everyone got a hold of the babies and I went to sleep we hadn't named them yet but I am too tired to even think.

After my nap I woke up and everyone was still in my room, mum was holding my baby girl whilst Samantha was holding my baby boy and Niall was getting cuddles with Charlie.

"Niall what are we going to name them?" I ask "well how about you name the girl and I name the boy?" He asked and I nodded "well for the girl I was thinking Alexa Anne Horan" I said and turned to my mum who was smiling. "I like Logan James Horan for a boy" he said "it's sorted then Alexa Anne and Logan James Horan" I said "they are beautiful names perfect" Samantha said and everyone agreed.

A/N- Hey guys sorry I haven't update in like a week.

Please vote and comment and I will update when it gets to 5k reads.

Follow me and I will follow back.

Please check out my other stories if you haven't already

- Lucky escape - which is completed - Harry fanfic
- Forced to have a family with Niall Horan - obviously a Niall fanfic
- The boy from my dreams - Zayn fanfic
- just from a tweet my dreams came true - Louis fanfic
- helping to cope - Liam fanfic

Thanks peeps ....... X

Bye............... X

Chloe...... X

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