Chapter 17

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*8 3/4 Months pregnant*

Stacey's pov

The last few months have been hard, looking after Charlie while being pregnant is really difficult, I can't go out anywhere, and most of the time Charlie wants to me carried and I can't because its painful.

The 2 months Niall was on tour were the worst, he would cause a scene and tantrum every time El or Perrie picked him up because he did t want to be carried by them but by me. I felt horrible but I couldn't do anything. I would have to sit down to cuddle him but even then I had to be careful.

The girls helped me as much as they could in them two months and I really appreciated it. I missed Niall more than ever but we Skyped about once a week and if I was lucky I got a phone call once in three days he was that busy. I hated not being able to talk to him.

When he got back I felt like jumping in his arms but I couldn't. Charlie climbed it of his biggie and stumbled over to him. Which Niall responded by picking him up and spinning him around before placing kisses all over his face and squeezing him into a hug.

He made his way to be and placed Charlie back in the buggie, he gave me a massive hug, but was gentle not to hurt my stomach. He gave me a kiss and then I greeted my brother than everyone else. We all went home. He had a month off and then went back into the recording studio every day to record the new album.

Right now I was sitting at home alone and bored, Niall was at an interview on his own, Harry was looking after Charlie to give me time to relax and the rest of the boys were with their girlfriends. I have payed in bed all day. I haven't had the energy to get out, I am so tired but I can't sleep.

The tv was on and grown ups were on but I wasn't really paying attention. I turned it over and say Niall's interview, I didn't know it was live, they was talking about the tour, and then the subject moved on to me and Charlie and how he coped missing me and his son.

All of a sudden a sharp pain shot through my stomach and I felt water on my legs oh no breath breath, my water just broke and I am in labour and all by myself. I grabbed my phone and dialled Niall's number, in a interview or not I do not care.

"Babe I am live in a interview what's wrong" he asked and I looked at the screen to see him waiting for me to respond "Niall please you have to get home now" I said trying. To stay calm, I saw him lol confused "babe what's going on?" He asked a contraction hit and I screamed down the phone in pain.

I saw him move the phone away from his ear obviously the scream hurt. "Niall please, my water broke and I am in labour and I need you" I said breathing heavily "babe I will be on my way just breath deep breaths I will be home soon" he said "hurry" I said and the call ended I saw him apologise the the interviewer and rush off stage.

I dialled Harry's number "hey sis" he said after a couple of rings "Harry get round now, my water broke" I rushed as another pain hit, I screamed again. "I am on my way" he said and Hung up. I laid in bed, in pain hoping that they would hurry and get me to the hospital there is no way I am giving birth here.

After about 10 minutes and two more shoots of pain I heard Niall yell "babe" "in the bedroom" I shouted as loud as I could. He walked over to me and hugged me "it's going to be ok" he said and the. Helped me out side, Harry was sitting in his car, without Charlie.

I sat in the back seat, Niall next to me comforting me while Harry drove "where's Charlie?" I asked "with mm and dad" he answered and I nodded. When we got the the hospital, both Harry and Niall helped me in "my girlfriend is in labour" Niall said and a nurse rushed over with a wheelchair. I sat down in it and got wheeled to a room.

The nurse came in and sent Harry out "let's see how far dilated you are" she said. "Right well you are fully dilated, I will get the other nurse and we can start" she said and walked out. Niall quickly went and told Harry and came back in "Harry is going to phone the boys and your parents along with Samantha and Danny and tell them" he said and I nodded.

The nurses all came in and told me to start pushing.

*time skip*

"Congratulations it's a boy" the nurse said and I looked at Niall confused "we were told they were both girls" Niall stated "well you were told wrong this one is definitely a boy" she said and they took him to be cleaned up. "Let's get the other one out" she said.

*time skip*

"Congratulations it's a girl" she said and they took her to be cleaned, two of the nurses cleans duo in the room and left. My hair was wet with sweat and Niall kept kissing me on the forehead "you did great babe I am proud of you" he said.

The nurse came in with my babies and handed both of them to me, one in each arm. "What are we going to name them?" I asked "how about you decide what we name the girl and I decide what we name the boy?" He asked and I nodded and thought of the perfect name for our girl "how about Alexa Anne Horan" I suggested and he nodded "perfect and then how about Logan James Horan?" He asked "done. Alexa Anne and Logan James Horan" I said and smiled.

The nurse walked in "you have a lot of visitors shall I send them in?" She asked and we nodded next thi I know the boys, Harry carrying Charlie, my parents, Nialls parents and Samantha and Danny are in the room awwww'ing and the babies.

"What are their names but I thought you were having twin girls?" Harry said confused "we thought we were too but they got it wrong and their names are Alexa Anne Horan And Logan James Horan" I answered and I saw my mum smile.

"There beautiful" her and Nialls mum gushed. "Justice their mummy and daddy" Samantha said, I smiled at her. "Mama and dada and babas and me" Charlie said and everyone chuckled "yes baby, come say hi to your sister and brother" I said and Harry carried him over. I carefully sat up with them both in my arms and Charlie sat in front of my staring at them.

He leaned foreword and placed little kisses on the their head. It was he cutest thing ever "how about kisses for mama and dada" I said and he kissed my lips and then Niall's. Everyone awwww'ed at the sight.

Everyone got a hold whilst I took a nap as I was extremely tired. Niall cuddled up to me on the bed and wrapped his arms around my waist "I love you" he whispered in my ear "I love you too" I replied before I drifted to sleep.

When I woke up I saw Niall was still asleep, Charlie had curled up into the front of my stomach, my mum was rocking Alexa and Maura was rocking Logan. They were both chatting away to each other, I knew they got along because of the boys, Harry and Niall.

Everyone else was sitting either on the floor or the chairs talking. Amongst them selves.

A/N- hey guys sorry I hadn't updated I thought I did but it didn't save so I had to re write it.

Please vote and comment it means alot.

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Please check my other fanfics out as well.

- the boy from my dreams - Zayn fanfic

- just from a tweet my dreams came true - Louis fanfic

- Forced to have a family with Niall Horan - Niall fanfic

- Helping to cope - Liam fanfic

- lucky escape - Harry fanfic - completed

Thanks............ X

Bye ............. X

Chloe ...... X

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