Chapter 24

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Niall's pov

"Baby get up we have to leave soon" i heard awhisper in my ear as someone straddled my waist. I felt soft kisses being pressed against my neck and i knew it was Stacey. "Baby wake up" she said. I kept my eyes closed and soon felt a pair of sort lips on mine. I started moving them against hers but she broke away. "Morning babe" i said. "Morning" she whispered rolling off me to the side and cuddled into my chest. I kissed her head and pulled us both out of bed and into the bathroom.

After we had showered I got changed into some sweats and a top. Stacey changed into thick leggings and one of my tops. After Stacey shoved her hair into a messy bun, we walked into Charlies room and woke him up. Quickly getting him dressed into some sweats and a top. He walked with us into the Twins room and we softly picked them up and changing their nappies and changing Alexa into some Leggings and a top, and Logan into the same attire as me and his brother. 

I carried Alexa in my arms whilst Stacey carried Logan downstairs, we laced the twins into the pram and Charlie just followed as we walked into the kitchen getting a quick snack. "Daddy i'm tired" he complained. "I know baby you can sleep in the car ok?" i said and he nodded. "Good boy" i said kissing his head. I went and put our suitcases into the car and walked into to get the twins. Stacey carried Charlie out and placed him in his car seat. We both put the twins in theirs and i put the pram in the boot with our luggage.

After the long drive to the airport we finally made it. I went and got the luggage carrier and placed all of it on their. I woke up Charlie as he would have to sit on top of it as Stacey had to puch the twins pram in. He sat on top and i locked up the car. We walked in and made it through to the gate where our jet was. Everybody was already there. We greeted everybody and waited for the people to put our luggage in the bottom of the plane. We both settled the kids into seats. Charlie fell right asleep. The twins haven't woken up at all yet.

I got settled on my seat and Stacey cuddled into the side of me.

*skip plane ride*

That plane ride was a nightmare. The twins started screaming halfway through. It took ages to shut up. Charlie and Ashleigh was running around shouting. I really hope the plane back is better than that. Charlie started crying as we landed and we had to calm him down. All of the kids got scared at some turbulance. It was just a complete nightmare. Stacey has now got a headache. We all got into the rental van which was huge. Packed all the luggage away and started driving towards the house we rented after reading the instructions on how to get there we finally pulled into the drive way.

Once we all got settled into our rooms. We decided to just relax at the house and have a swim in the poll outside. We got the kids dressed, putting armbands on them so they dont drown. Then we all got dressed and went out putting suncream on. "Daddy what if i drown?" Charlie asked holding onto me for his life. "Bubba i promise you i will never let you get hurt ok?" i said and he nodded "and these things on your arms stop you from drowning and help you float, you have nothing to worry about ok?" he nods again "let go of me ok remember i promised you i wont let anything hurt you and had daddy ever broke one of his promises to you?" i asked him "no daddy has never" he said letting go of me. 

I let go of him and he panicked but then realised he is not drowning "daddy i'm floating" he said giggling "see i told you" i said "i know daddy" he said "MUMMY LOOK I'M FLOATING" he screamed to the other side of the pool. She turned to look and smiled making her wayover but not before warning the boys that they better keep an eye on the twins and not let them out of their site. "Look at you bubba" she said "give me a high five" she said holding her hand up. He lift his little hand and slapped hers whilst giggling.

Charlie went to play with Ashleigh and i grabbed Stacey and pulled her close to me. "I love you" i whispered in her ear "i love you too" she whispered back, i leaned back and placed my lips on her slowly moving them. "Ewww mama dada" i heard a little girly voice we broke away and saw Alexa in her special baby rubber ring. We both chuckled and kissed her. She giggled.

Stacey's pov

After a while we all got out of the pool as it started to get dark. We all got changed and went and sat in the living room. Louis and Liam drove out to a take away shop and got adults pizza and the kids chicken nuggets and chips. They came back and we all ate. After we got all the kids ready for bed and set them down for the night. We all went back in and watched some TV talking about the plans for tomorrow and the rest of the holiday. 

Tomorrow was going to be a long day. We decided that we were going to go to Disney land park and ride some ridesand meet the charactors. Then go and check out the beach and go out to dinner after coming back and getting changed. 

A/N - Firstly HOLY COW 30 thoasand reads, thats AMAZAYN!!! 

Sorry i haven't updated in ages.

Thanks for still reading this.

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Chloe xx

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