Chapter 1 The Ring

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Author's Note;

This is unedited, Fair warning. If you like My First MARRICUP Fanfiction, give me a vote or a comment.

And if you like this chapter, fair warning, i don't update fast because of my job and other stories. You have been warned. Love you all and LONG LIVE MERRICUP!

Hiccup's POV;

Toothless and I took to the skies, trying to find new land with More Dragons and possibly, more Dragon Riders. So far, our searches were minimal. Only a handful of others actually live in harmony with the Dragons and the ones that do, seam to be very interested in Berk. Wanting to learn more about how we trained them and eventually, became a family with them.

But as i looked ahead, my mind was only on one thing. To find a place that could help Berk expand and to find the perfect Stone for Astrid.

In secret, I'm having Gobber forging me a ring for her once i find the perfect stone. Astrid and I have been dating for Six Years, and i couldn't think of a better person to stand by my side while I'm Chief. My Mother had also seamed very fond of her too. I'm so thankful that they get along so well. 

So heading out on a lead, I'm heading South to where i heard of a source of Dragon, ice emeralds nearing the islands falls.  I Think that they would be perfect for her ring. The hard part now is to find them.

Coming into a land, I quickly hopped off Toothless' back and started my search near a waterfall. Seemingly uninterested, Toothless stayed behind, fishing in the water.

People say that the emeralds are found in the Waterfall's basin, but are dangerous to retrieve due to the whirlpools. So talking off they flight gear, leaving my under trousers on, i plunged into the frigged waters.

Coming back up for air, Toothless was hopping around, freaking out over me being in the water.

"It's alright Bud, I'll be right back. Come and get me if I'm gone for more then a minute," I told him. He nodded and watched me as i dove back down.

The water was clear but my vision was fuzzy. heading to the bottom as several fish swam by me, my hands hit the rock bottom. Sifting through the rocks with my hands, grabbing handfuls of stones that looked like they could be the emeralds, I head back to the surface. Dropping the rocks on the shore. Getting a better view of my finds, they weren't the ones.

Heading back down, I did this about five times. Bearing the cold water as i submerged and surfaced multiple times.

Taking up another handful, letting my eyes adjust, i saw the nearly white, blueish green stone. Joy and amazement washed over me as i leaped out of the water.

"Toothless! Toothless!! I found one!" I cheered, running out and showing my friends my find. He looked shock and impressed but quickly turned back to being uninterested. "Thanks Bud, i needed that boot of confidence," i mocked sarcastically.

Quickly changing back into my gear, i got back on Toothless and took off, holding on to the stone for dear life.

Back at the Island, Gobber told me to give him two days to make the ring. Thankful for his help, i took flight again, watching over my Village.

Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Snotlout and Fishlegs are probably with Astrid somewhere.

I can't wait to ask her to marry me!

After finding our Friends, Ruffnut told me that Astrid went riding and probably wont be back till later tonight. Which honestly, made me feel disappointed, but there was know point in trying to track her down. She was an amazing flyer and loved to fly on her own. I'll just give her time and I'll see her tonight.

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