Chapter 5

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Hiccup's POV;

Waking up the next morning, i couldn't get that Kingdom out of my head. The feeling of mystery and magic just filled my pours. I have to check it out. To see it for myself. There's something there that seams to draw me to that place.

Getting out of the bed, the sun had been up for at least an hour. Time for the day to start. Putting on my leg, i stretched, heading down stairs to see my Mother walking around Dad's workshop. Looking over his things that we had left.

"Hey Mom," i called. With a start, she spun around and smiled at me.

"Good morning sweetheart," she smiled, walking up to me to kiss my forehead. "Heading out?"

"Yeah, i want to check out that kingdom, i mentioned Yesterday. Something about that place just draws me back," i admitted. She smiled.

"Alright, but if you want, later you and i could make a visit to it. Representing Berk, so they know that our intentions are purely adventurous," she suggested. That sounded like a great idea. 

"Okay, but i just want to walk around for today. We can go there together in a couple of days, alright?" i said, she nodded, ruffling my hair before i headed out the door. Taking an apple as i left.
Finding Toothless running with the Twins dragon.
"You ready Bud?" I asked, running up to him. Barf and Belch looked at me, bobbing they're heads at me as i petted them.
Toothless turned so i could get on.
"Hiccup?" A familiar voice said. I didn't have to turn around to know that it belonged to her.
"What Astrid?" My voice sounded much colder then i intended. But i still didn't look back. I should have known that this was a set up when I saw Barf and Belch.
"Hic, could you please look at me? The Twins are the only one who will talk to me now." Her voice strained, i couldn't turn around. Not yet.
"Not my problem, I'm not the one who told about you cheating," staring at Toothless scales.
"I didn't tell anyone! I don't know how they found out, but it wasn't from me."
She nearly screamed, then stopped. "I don't know who told Fishlegs and Snotlout, but they won't walk to me anymore," hearing the crack in her voice. Forcing myself to not to turn around. If i do, i wouldn't be able to contain myself in holding her. But i can't do that. I'm not ready for that.

"Like i said before, Not my problem," i breathed, keeping my voice even.

"How can you be so cold!?" she snapped. That's It!!

I spun around to face her, seeing her eyes flicker with fear and anger.

"'How can I be so cold'? You cheated on Me!" i snapped back, trying to keep my voice down from wandering ears. Even after what she had done to me, i cant seam to ruin her for it. "You've been wondering around, kissing someone else, and I'm the one being cold?"

"I apologized multiple times, begging you to forgive me!" She retorted harshly. "It's been Two months Hiccup! When are you going to talk to me about this?"

"How long have you been with Eret?" i asked, seemingly seeing the question catching her off guard.


"How long have you been seeing Eret before i found out?" I repeated myself, waiting, watching her head drop. 

"Four months," she said just loud enough as she make eye contact with me. My heart dropped. Feeling the breath leave my lungs. Four Months?! FOUR!?! How did i not notice?

Shaking my head, getting on Toothless. "Then give me two more months, and I'll give you my answer," i retorted, tapping my foot to get his to fly. "And just for the record," i called once we were a few feet off the ground, looking down at her pained face. "I already forgave you, but that doesn't mean that i forgot what you did."

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