Chapter 14

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Hiccup's POV;

Once I was back in my designated room, a wash of realization weighed on me. The time that I spent with her this past couple of days. Seeing how she's with her parents, her siblings and her Dragons. Her passion and bravery to stand up to the most horrendous man that I have ever met. She truly is an astounding woman.

She wasn't all anger, threats, and shear force like the Viking women on Berk. She's humble, grace, and passionate. I've never met someone who was so kind, yet possibly the most stubborn women as well.

Sitting on my bed, mentally thanking my Mother for throwing my gear in here before me before I ran off to join Merida. I started thinking. When I leave tomorrow, I wanted to give her something. Something that she could hold onto until I got back from Berk.

She'll have my Mother here, as well as her family, but I would like for her to have a momentum. Something that she can fiscally hold onto. To remind her that she can get through this mess that Drago has caused her and her family. That it will all be over soon.

Taking my pack that was set on the foot of my bed, sifting through its contents. Finding my blade and a chunk of wood I found by the creek back on Berk.

Carving the piece, I spent probably a good two hours on it before I called it a night. Then. I'll get ready for my trip back, hopefully, then we can stop Drago once and for all.

Waking up, nearly forgetting that I wasn't in my own bed back on Berk. Quickly, getting dressed back in my riding gear. I left my room to check on my Mom, to see if she was ready. Harris, Hubert, and Hamish all ran out of there room in the exact same time, nearly running me over in the prosses.

"Sorry Hiccup!" I heard one of them shout in the commotion as they ran down the stairs. A strong smell of cooking food filled my nostrils. Breakfast must be ready.

Knocking on my Mother's door, she quickly answered, greeting me with a smile. "Good morning, sweetheart," she said, meeting me out in the hall. "You ready for your trip back today?" she asked as we made our way down the hall towards the smell. Passing Merida's room as we walked. Suppressing the urge to knock. Knowing that if she was asleep, I should let her stay sleep.

The gift that I have for her can wait until after breakfast. Either that or mom can deliver it for me. Though, it wouldn't have the same meaning if I didn't give it to her myself. I just hope I can catch her before I leave.

Nearing the Dining Hall, setting my bag down just inside the dining hall's doors for an easy grab for when I leave after breakfast.

Seeing the familiar red-haired set of boys running around in the back near the Kitchen, we followed in.Entering the cook's kitchen, seeing two cooks crowding the stove, three boys roughhousing as they picked off of they're plate. The Queen poured a broth in a bowl, arranging a try for who I could guess was for the King. Merida stood by the back wall, with her back towards me, chopping up some vegetables for the cooks.

"Good morning, Hiccup, Valka," The Queen greeted us as we entered inside. Seeing Merida's body stiffen in a start as her Mother had mentioned my name. I hope she's alright.

The boys quieted down for a short moment, greeting us with our presence before rejoining they're roughhousing. Feet that must be hard to control with three ten-year-old triplets.

"Please, take a seat. Food will be ready shortly," one of the cooks offered graciously.

"Thank you," mom said kindly, before taking her seat near where the Queen stood. She looked so tired as she prepared her Husband's tray. Probably didn't get much sleep last night.

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