Chapter 17

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Author's Note:

I didn't proof read this. This is a raw, unedited chapter. You have been warned. I needed something for all of the requests and I wanted to get this filler chapter in before the climax begins. Please be patient. The next chapter in the Start and it'll only get more intense from then on out. Enjoy. Like, comment and follow if you like. I love seeing that you guys are enjoying this as much as I love writing it.

Ta ta for now

Hiccup's POV;

Marching towards the castle. Wishing that I could convince Hubert in his plan in joining us. My mind was racing between many situations. Watching over Merida and her family. Making sure that Hubert doesn't risk his life, seeing that my people do their job correctly and to return back safely. As well as now, with Astrid here, have now caused me more stress than ever. 

I still care for her, but I don't need this kind of distraction right now. What I need is to talk to Astrid and explain that if she is here, I don't want her to start anything between Merida and me. Merida may not even like me in anyway other than a friend, but I still wouldn't want that relationship to wither because of my past with her.

Thinking of where she would be, seeing that Stormfly amongst the other dragons. She must be with either wandering the country or with Spitelout in the Castle. Either way, I need to find her and take the time to talk to her. I've been avoiding her for too long. This needs to be settled now.

Making my way towards the Castle, a familiar Viking stood by the gate, arms folded across her chest.

"Hiccup, you need to explain to Merida about you and Astrid," my mother confronted.

"Not now, please Ma. I need to talk to Astrid first," I retorted, running my hand frustratingly through my hair as I carefully pushed past her. 

"No," she snapped, gripping my bicep firmly, nearly throwing back. "Merida has been asking me questions about you and Astrid since she arrived. I told her that it would be best if she talked to you. She's a good girl, Hiccup. A fine young woman who deserves the truth."

"Mom, I know she is, she does," my voice was low, keeping my head down before looking at her. "But I can't correct anything with Merida if I first don't correct things with Astrid. They both deserve that, don't you think?"

Mom stood hesitantly, looking over me before a smile graced her face.  "Well would you look at that," she stated with a laugh. "My baby has become a man," she cooed embarrassingly before letting go of my arm. "Alright, go talk to Astrid, I'll let Merida know that you'll talk to her if she asks," tussling my hair, she gave me a pat on the back like a kid and I took my leave, laughing.

*  *  *  *  *  *  * 

Seeing Astrid standing by some of my Vikings and the Scotish guards. Seemingly having a good time with everyone. I hate to bring her away from that.

As I approached, palms sweaty heart beating nervously. I haven't truly talked to her since before everything had happened. It seemed like forever since we last spoke.

She glanced my way. her eyes bugged out as others followed her glance towards me. They All stood in attention as I stood up straighter. Taking the authority.

"At ease, please," I stated, they all relax. "I was hoping that I could talk to Ms. Hofferson for a moment. That is," I looked right at her then. "If she wouldn't mind?"

Without saying a single word, she nodded and followed me into the woods so we could talk. Feeling the stares of everyone behind us, we pressed forward till we were well within the tree line and out of ear shot.

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