Chapter 26

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Author's Note;

Please don't hate me. I know its been forever since I posted last but I've been meaning to finish this chapter for a long time. weeks back, when I was nearly finished with this chapter, I broke my laptop. I

It sucked and I was pissed at myself that I couldn't finish it for you guys. But I finally have some downtime, and I figured out a way to work on this story once again for you guys.

Thank you all for your patience, and I hope that this was worth the wait. I WILL BE POSTING SOON!

This is unedited, so please enjoy. Ta Ta for now

Hiccup's POV;

Everything happened so quickly. I remembered Eret standing behind me, holding my arms down to my sides. Astrid was next to me, also being restrained by one of Drago's men.
Seeing Merida within Drago's grasp, I wanted to protest. Bargain to get her and her brother back, but a sharp pain entered into my side. Forcing my voice to stay silent.
Eret had bludgeoned a knife in me.

All I can recall was hearing Merida's screams as I watch Drago take her within the woods behind them. Astrid pressing on my wound as more people entered the camp. Vikings, Trainers and Scotsman alike fought with the same goal in mind. To take this camp and to pass along with an understanding that this land doesn't belong to them.

Remembering being carried/dragged away from the battle. Astrid and someone else with medical experience treated my wounds. I can't recall who it was, but I'm thankful for they help no the less. It was just so hard to stay focus. The pain, blood, the sheer worry about Merida's well being. The not knowing felt like it would have killed me more than the stabbing. 

Hearing the battle commence as I was being stitched up. Going in and out of consciousness. Astrid held my hand and applied the necessary pressure as burning alcohol washed my wound. Searing pain as my doctor weaved a needle through my flesh and cauterized the wound with a red-hot edge of a dagger that a dragon had heated.

I was later told that I passed out from the pain and was brought closer to the castle, within the woods treeline. Toothless had kept me guarded since the war began. Getting closer to the Kingdom's grounds, men and women fought to keep that Castle safe.

From what I understood, Merida was inside, preparing for a wedding I knew she didn't want to be a part of. Her Mother and brothers are with her as they're recovered Father fought with his people to defend his home.

Everyone was doing their part to protect this land, while I was helpless. After I was rested, I could stand with Toothless' help. 

I needed to regain my strength. I needed to find Merida and get there out of this situation.

Leaning up against a tree, Toothless found me a thick stick that I could use to help support myself. Thanking him, a rustling sound came passed some shrubs.

Toothless stood in front of me, guarding me against whoever it was.

"Who's there?" I called out, placing my hand on Toothless' back, waiting to see if the unidentified person will introduce themselves.

A shadow entered my camp, hearing Toothless growl lowly at it before I could even register who it was.

"Eret!?" I gasped, keeping my hand on Toothless. 

"Oh thank the Gods, your alright?" he said with a sigh of relief, to which surprised me.

"'You're alright'? You Stabbed Me, Eret! And your relieved that I'm 'Alright'?" I was confused. None of this made sense.

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