Chapter 22

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Author's Note;

Super long and unedited. I'll just put this here ;)

Hiccup's POV;

The sun was beginning to set as we neared Drago's camp. Torches lit the surrounding area, illuminating the forest it resided in.

"Okay, Beta team, I want you all to stand down and wait for my signal. Alpha, you're with me. Stand your ground and stay low," I ordered. Looking for everyone who had volunteered for this mission. Everyone nodded and readied themselves for the next phase of my plan. Looking over at Toothless, who stood amongst the rest of our dragons. "Okay, Bud, you are in charge of the Dragons and the Beta team with Spitelout." Toothless nodded eagerly, just as Spitelout agreed. 

In my team, I had the twins, Snotlout, Astrid and ten others joined me in the Alpha team. Our plan was to go up to the camp and introduce ourselves peacefully. Making an outright negotiation to get Merida and Harris back. This was a risky and very foolish move (others have told me multiple times), but that is when the Beta team comes in. If this all goes south, I'll release the Zippleback gas and light it to cause an explosion that can be seen outside the camp. To which, the Beta team will run in and attack with the dragons. It's a dangerous plan, but they all agreed with me that this was the best option we had.

Raising my hand as the signal, Alpha Team quietly began to approach the camp, exiting the forest.

Once close to the entrance, we heard a commotion from inside. Apparently, from what I could tell, our presence here was a surprise. Which I could see why. 

"Who's there? Address yourself!" A voice shouted as four silhouettes blocked the camp's entrance.

"I am Chief Hiccup from the Hooligan Clan on Berk! I come here peacefully to talk to Drago Bludvist!" I stated firmly. 

The men looked confused by my statement, seeing them look at my small group. Contemplating whether what I'm saying is the truth; another man ran to them, seeing them talk, the stepped aside.

"Follow us," One stated, giving us room to pass.

Cautiously, we all stepped inside the camp, following them till we were in the center of the camp, seemingly lost. This camp was larger then I had ever anticipated, How many men does Drago have at his disposal now? Where are his Dragons, if he has any, that is? Does he have weapons?

These thoughts swam continuously through my mind as I examined the area. It looked like his camp could hold over two hundred men, maybe even more. Where did they all come from? I didn't see that many boats when I came back from Berk. Did they come here another way? Or did they use Dragons and are hiding them somewhere.

"Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third!" A familiar booming voice echoed throughout the camp. Turning around, Drago looked down at us from up top a small hill. Torches gave him a wicked glow as he ascended down slowly towards us. His large frame looked that of a gargoyle. Scared and deranged. Anger swept over me as the realization set in. Merida was here with him. She, at one point, could have been alone with him. This monster! That thought alone made me sick as my anger rose.

"What honor do I have to receive a visit from the boy who ruined me?!" he spat angerly, standing just yards away from where we stood.

"I'm here to negotiate with you for the Princess and Prince of DunBroch," I stated firmly, taking a daring step forward. His dark, cold eyes narrowed.

Staring each other down, his face looked of stone. His people began to surround us, keeping their distance, but an eerie aura filled the area. Something wasn't right.

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