Chapter 4: Dragons

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Author's Note;

Sorry if this seams kind of thrown together, but i just wanted this out so i can start on Hiccups point of view and get to where Him and Merida finally meet!!!!! Enjoy and let me know what you think by a Vote or a comment. Thank you Ya'll Ta Ta For Now!!

Warning; Unedited

Merida's POV;

Looking around, there was no sign of the Mother. But I'm almost positive that the rustling that i had heard earlier belonged to Her.

"Don't cry," i cooed, slowly reaching down to they're level, tenderly extending my hand. I shook like a leaf, but held my breath. These things could be poisonous, or ravage monsters that can take my hand, but something felt different. In my heart, i knew that these creatures must be misunderstood. Maybe its the fact that they imprinted on me or its just my natural curiosity for the strange, but i don't feel threatened.

Holding out my hand, one sniffed my fingers, then rubbed its body against my skin. My heart went wild as a wave of relief washed over me.

"H-hey little guy," i spoke softly just as the other one approached me, letting me pet its head too. I never felt so giddy. These creatures are amazing, i wonder what they are.
They are so gentle.  Watching them rough house like my brothers. Tackling each other, biting each other. They're so fun to watch.
My attention was divided though. Hearing the rustle return, i retreated back into the trees. Watching the babies looking back at me, fear filled they're little bug eyes.
My heart ached as i just stood by. If they're mother looks like them, then i don't believe it safe to be near them, but i wont abandoned them.
Staying back, the rustling grew closer until i saw her. She was a shadow at first but once she reached the light, she looked ferocious.
Her flesh was purple with red speckles. She sniffed the air. Probably smelling for me.
Pressing my body against the tree, but i couldn't look away. Watching her finding the babies, seemingly looking pleased, she sniffed them. Now i know that she's smells me.
Hearing her growl, she snubbed her babies and left.
Her babies were just born, how could she abandoned them like that? Watching her wings spread, they flapped, lifting her large body off the ground, taking to the skies.
Seeing her fly, her wings extend, they're was no doubt in my mind.

She's a Dragon.

Taking to her babies, they rushed towards me, crying as they're skin turned Gray, with flecks of black. "It's alright, babies, shhh, it's going to be okay." trying to calm them down, letting them snuggle on me. I knew that this was my fault. If i hadn't touched them, then she wouldn't have left. She's just like any other animal. She didn't recognized them to be her's.

Hearing a slight rumbling noise coming from they're stomachs, my heart jumped. They're hungry, and i don't even know what Dragons eat?!

Searching around, finding berries that i knew to be edible, at least for humans, and some fresh greens. I gave them to the younglings. They sniffed at it, licked i, but then huffed out a breath of fire, turning them quickly to ash.

"Oh, that's not right." now running to the stream, i found some grubs. Scooping them up, the dragons followed as i handed them the worms and beetles. Watching them eat one beetle, they turned green before spitting them out. "At least you tried it," i said with a laugh.

Grabbing my bow, looking into the water, seeing a live with fish. Maybe they would like this? Taking and arrow from my quiver, aiming it into the cold water, i released it.

Taking it out, a fish was on the other end. "How's this them?" i called out, waving the fish. The two looked at me like i lost my mind, but trekked forward anyway. Sniffing it, one licked it before daring a bite. He ate it up, leaving the other one to watch as i  caught another fish and handed to the other, watching it eat as well. 

Relief washed over me, at least they wont starve, but i cant leave them alone in the woods. I mean, i know that they can breath fire, but they're so tiny. A hawk could swoop down and eat them before i get back tomorrow.

Contemplating, there was only one thing i can do. Take them home and hide them.

"Come on younglings," i called, wiggling my fingers. By the sound of my voice, they followed, letting me pick them up. They were no bigger then Shepherd puppies, but seeing the size of they're mother, who was twice the size of Angus, they won't stay small for long.

Placing my Bow over my shoulder with my quiver, as the babies snuggled close to my chest, towards my body heat as i ran to find Angus in the pasture. He's not going to like this.

Once i saw Angus, his head lifted up, but i could tell that he knew something was different. "Now, Angus, don't spook 'em, but I'm going to take 'em home with us,"I called, slowly approaching him. He froze, as he knew that what i was holding wasn't an ordinary animal.

Opening my arms, he jumped back. Looking panicked. "Woo!! Angus, Woo!" i called, calming his with one hand, grabbing his reins, and clutching the dragons close to my chest with my other. Holding him down, he looked spooked, but was slowly calming down at my words. "Angus, it's alright, they're nice creatures. Don't be scared," i stated softly, trying to keep my voice down. Hearing his breathing slow, he looked at my arms, and sniffed the babies. They jumped, but sniffed him back as one of them licks his nose, startling him.

I let out a snort, laughing at they're version of bonding. "Good, now let go home," i said, getting on Angus, letting him guide me back to the castle. The sun was low in the sky, meaning that the end of the day was drawing near.

Setting the babied on the saddle, watching them snuggled on my legs. I have to think of a name for them.

See that one of them was slightly bigger, i tapped his head. "Blair," i said as his attention meet me. nuzzling his face in my hand. Now looking at the smaller one. "And I'll call you Kerr." They both purred, curling up in my hand.

Now how am i going to explain this to mom?

* * * * * * * * *

Once home, I took out my cloak, putting it on, hiding the babies underneath. i lead Angus into the stalls. 

Picking up an armful of hay, i found a ventilation shaft of the other side with a grate over it. Knowing that the other side was closed off, i opened it, laying the hay down to make a bed. Placing Blair and Kerr on it, they snuggled together. letting me pet them one last time.

"I'll be back tonight with more food, please stay here," speaking softly, letting them nuzzle my hand before i closed the gate. Placing more hay in front of it, i left the stalls, giving Angus some oats before i left. 

For now, I'll keep this a secret. Beside, dragons are supposed to be only a legend, People will think that i have gone mad if they hear me spouting out about dragons.

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