Chapter 23

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Author's Note;

Unedited, another quick update. Enjoy lovelies ;)

Merida's POV:

Everything was a blur once we returned. Drago landed his dragon just outside the castle walls. Others followed as Dragons and barbarians scattered around the field. Seeing my Father amongst the crowd, my body felt numb as Drago carried me effortlessly in front of my Family and the remaining members of Hiccup's Clan. Valka stared at me but I couldn't look at her in the eyes.

She could tell something was off, but how could I tell her that not only her husband was taken by this man, but her son as well.

Feeling like my mind was lost, I could hear Drago inform everyone about what happened. That I have broken the treaty but had expected his demands to hand over my Kingdom as well as my hand in Marriage.

Echoes of gasps rang around us as Drago half dragged/carried me to the Castle, allowing everyone to stew over the development they had just endured.

"What happened to our Chief?!" I heard someone shout amongst the crowd.

"Yeah! Where's Hiccup?!" Another called. My eyes immediately found Valka's. Tears fell down my face and she knew.

"No!" I heard her wail heartbreakingly as Drago continued to drag me and my Brother to the castle.

Inside, Mother ran down the stared to meet us. Looking out of breath she ran to me as Drago dropped me onto the cold floor. Harris followed next to us as Mother scooped us both into her arms.

"My Babies!" she wailed, cradling us close to her chest.

A loud clang echoed as a ring of keys were thrown beside us. "Feel free to unlock them and get them some sleep. I expect my bride to be well rested for our wedding tomorrow," I heard Drago say, hearing him smile as I clung to my mother as he left in victory out of the Castle.

A guard grabbed the keys and released both Harris and me from our chains. Once free, I wrapped my arms around both Mother and Harris but they're warmth didn't reach my soul. 

Commotions of more people entered the Throne room. Now seeing my Father, the rest of my Brothers and a handful of Hiccup's Clan, including his mother surrounded us.

Giving us some time to be consoled and calm down, questions filled the void in what had happened? Were we hurt, where Hiccup and the others.

I didn't know where to start.

"He made her chose," Harris began for me since he was there during the whole ordeal. "He threatened that if she chose him, I and Hiccup won't die. That all she has to do is say yes, and we'll be safe."

"I had no choice," I finished for him, thankful that he started for me. Standing up, I need to stand to say this. I don't need to show my weakness more than I already had. "I told him that I would say yes to him if he doesn't harm my Family and Hiccup's Clan. That they have to be safe." My eyes rested towards Valka's, seeing her sadness, feeling her anguish because it mimicked my own.

"He would only accept my offer if I told Hiccup what my choice was. That I had chosen Drago. I did, but he lied. He--" I paused taking in a shaky breath. Tears slide down my face as I looked into his Mother's eyes; eyes that matched Hiccup's but not his color. My heart ached. "He had him stabbed!" I cried falling to the ground as my knees buckled beneath me. Arms wrapped around my shaky shoulders.

Valka cradled me as I cried on her shoulder. Hearing everyone talk amongst themselves or to Harris, they left me alone as Valka and I wept over the loss we both endured.

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