Chapter 9

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Author's Note; I'm so sorry for the long update. I've been busy with work and having writers block for All of my stories doesn't help.
Enjoy the story and let me know what you think and/or want to find out next :) love ya all

Hiccup's POV;

Its been two days since I left Dunbroch. I told Merida that I would be back and I intend to keep my word.

After I told about my intentions to my Mother, she agreed to go with me with four other Vikings, leaving Gobber in charge temporarily. I'm kind of worried about leaving him in charge, but what choice do I have. My other choice would have been Astrid but I cant bare to look at her right now.

Packing just a few essentials, we loaded up our dragons for the short journey.

"This is exciting," my Mother explained, while loading up CloudJumper.

"You think so?" I asked.

"Of course it is. I only got to meet two other clans with you since I arrived. I've always enjoyed my visits with you. Its a chance for you and I to bond and to help our small clan grow into the village that your father would have wanted," she explained. Watching her face lit up as she talked about Dad, it was mesmerizing. I wished she wouldn't of left us, then she could have spent more time with him, with us, while she could.

"Yeah, I agree," I smiled, tightening Toothless' saddle and handed him a fish before me made our departure.

"So, how do you feel about seeing Merida again?" she asked suddenly.

"Huh?" I choked, thrown back by her question.

"Merida; that was the young Scottish girl's name, right? How do you feel about seeing her again?" she clarified, but frankly, I heard her clearly the first time.

"Fine," I coughed, not wanting to have this conversation with her right now.

"Really, your not even the least bit smitten to see her again?" she pressed. I tried to avoid eye contact, Feeling my face heat up, I stayed focused on Toothless' buckle.

"Merida is a nice girl, and yes, I wouldn't mind seeing her again, but I'm not going there for her. She and I made a deal that she would give the King and Queen a warning for our arrival and that's what I intend for my focus to be on," I pressed. Maybe now she would drop the subject.

She started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked, now turning around to see her.

"Oh Baby," she said in between chuckles. "You sounded so formal and it was adorable," she laughed again. I could feel my face heating up, trying not to smile. I guess I did sound a bit to formal. "You maybe the Chief, Son, but you are still my baby. I know that you want to see her again, and you are trying so to keep this mission as your focus, but calm down," her laughter turned to a small, genuine smile. "If she is a friend of yours, then there's nothing to be ashamed of. You need someone right now. and if she is as understanding and open hearted as you say, then she'll understand."

She was right. I would like to see her again, but I have to get through this mission first. Going to a kingdom that doesn't even know that dragons exist to a clan visiting that Rides dragons on a regular bases. This is going to be a culture shock for the both of us.

After we saddled up and back our Dragons, we said goodbye to our clan for our temporary departure and headed out. As I hopped on Toothless' back, I caught a glimpse of Astrid in the crowd. She stood in the back by her house, arms folded over her chest as she just looked at me, almost ashamed.

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