Chapter 12

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Hiccup's POV;

Author's Note;

So sorry for the long update, again. Sorry, but just expect it now. I'm trying to get this underway but i only have so many days off and what days i do have off, more times then not. I'm having trouble writing. Thank you all for your patience and understanding. This chapter is a bit short and unedited, but i hope you all enjoy it none the less. Ta Ta For Now, lovely's.

Entering into Merida's parents room. Every member of her family surrounded the bed where the King laid silent. I could only watch as Merida swiftly went to her Father's side with the rest of her family. Tears rolled down her Mother's face as the children stayed close.

I knew He was alive, seeing his chest moving while he slept. Why did Drago do this? I know he was a psycho, but this took it to another level. Taking a King and other Lords, beating them, and sending them back home to cause terror for they're families. What is his motive?

It can't just be a ploy to get himself a wife. Threatening the Queen to get the throng, only to have her daughter step in.

This Land isn't even that rich financially, just in History. There are no dragons other then Merida's here. What could bring him to this place then?

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

After some time, my men, Mother and i stepped out of the room. Leaving the Family to tend to one another's sorrow.

"So, Whats the plan?" Chip asked once we were down the hallway. Keeping our distance from the rooms, we stopped near the stairs by the exit. Closing towards the front gate of the castle.

"Right now, I'm not sure," i breathed honestly. Running my fingers through my hair nervously. "I think the best thing right now is for the two of you to head back to Berk and inform our Clan about Drago's appearance. Ma and I will stay here to keep this Family safe until you bring back some reinforcements. Maybe a dozen or two Vikings will help."

They all stood around quietly, staring blankly in my direction. "What?"

"Why do you want to protect this land so much, Chief?" Starkard pressed shyly.

"Because this land is ill-equipped to fight against a man like Drago; and him being alive effects us all. Our land will be endanger too if we let him continue with his plan. I will not stand for him to reign over anyone. He threatened this land, hurt they're King, how can i just walk away when that Monster is still around!" feeling my anger rise, i forced myself to pause, taking in a breath.

"They know he's dangerous, Son," Mom spoke up first, resting her hand on my shoulder. "We'll do whatever we can to protect this place and to stop Drago once and for all," she stated firmly, looked at everyone as she spoke.

She knew not to say my real intentions in saving this place. She knows me too well. We're too much alike.

She may not have been in my life for twenty years, but within the past year, she could read me like a book. She knows that I care for Merida. How much I care about her, I don't know myself just yet, but she is my friend. I've grown fond of her family, of this land. I would never let the likes of someone like Drago take away its purity.

"So please, Go back to Berk for me and explain to Ug and Horex about what happened. Get Gobber involved if needed. I will come by tomorrow morning and inform everyone on my plan. We might need to get ready to fight, but this will be a stealth mission. As far as i know, Drago doesn't know that we're here. I would like to keep it that way for as long as we can. Am i clear?" i ordered. They both nodded eagerly as we stepped out of the gates, onto the field just outside of the castle's walls.

"Okay. Fly safe and stay low. I'll see you tomorrow," I emphasized graciously.

"We will Sir, see you tomorrow," Chip exclaimed as he and Starkard shook my hand before heading to their dragons. 

"Oh! One more thing," I shouted, remembering one more thing.

"Yes, Sir?" Starkard said.

"Before I leave tomorrow, send someone who can take guard of this Kingdom with my Mother. I would like for someone to be here with her while I'm at Berk."

"Sweetheart," my mother interjected sharply. "I can take care of myself, clearly. I don't need a babysitter," she persisted, sounding almost offended by my request.

"I know you are. You are more than capable and highly qualified to take care of the family," I backtracked carefully. I wasn't meaning anything by what I was saying to hurt, let alone, offended her. "I would just like to have at least two riders here at all time, just to stand guard. Until our warriors get here," I corrected. Which seamed to have smoothed out her scales quite a bit.

"Understood Sir," Chip stated firmly. "See you in the morning."

"See you then," I said as they ran to their dragons and headed back to Berk through the tree line.

"So, you think that they could be in danger sweetie?" Mom asked, resting her hand once again on my shoulder as we watched our friends fly off.

"I don't doubt it," I stated firmly, turning back to head for the castle. Mom followed closely. "With the King injured, and the way that the other Lord looked like, they're is no telling what Drago can do," I said honestly. Scuffing my one boot in the grass as I walked. "I just don't want this Kingdom to turn to rubble," I breathed, stopping just before the gates. Staring at the bricks that made this Castles foundation.

"You also don't want to see Merida marry Drago, is that right?" Mom interrupted my thoughts softly.

"Of course I don't. He's a monster. Why should she throw her life away just because that Beast threatened her!" I snapped harshly. Just the thought of that guy coming back into our lives makes my skin crawl. But the thought of him Marring Merida is the thought that I cant stand. She doesn't deserve this, she deserves her freedom. 

"You want to be the one to marry her, don't you?" I thought I heard my mom say, which utterly shocked me that I nearly fell over.


"You would rather marry her than to let Drago have her am I right?" She clarified with more of a 'matter of fact' tone.

"I--I wha--, huh?" the shock still had me numb from her previous comment. I was dumb founded for words. "I--I would rather she to marry anyone Other then Him. Yes, its obvious that i care about her, but i hardly know her. We just met only a few days ago, so i would like to consider her my friend," i tried to clear up, but mom kept looking at my with that crooked grin. Like the one when a child fibs terribly to their parents, but it was to cute to punish so all they could do was smile.

I'm Twenty-one years old, for crying out loud. And I'm still getting that look from my mother.

"Alright, Hiccup," she soothed. " I can see that I have struck a nerve on the subject," she laughed, heading through the gate towards that castle doors. "But none the less, We'll be here for them as protection. It is our duty to stop this man before anyone else gets hurt. It was our fight to start with," she explained. Clearing my thoughts to the task at hand.

She's right. This was our fight, and we lost it before. We lost so much then, but not ever again.

"This ends now," I huffed, storming into the castle as my mother followed closely. "Draco will not win this battle. He will not survive it this time."

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