Chapter 24

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Author's Note;

sorry, this is very short, but I wanted to take a pause for the new chapter. I didn't want the next part to sound rushed (I mean, more so then how my usual writing style sounds)


Merida's POV;

Morning came all too soon. Neither Valka or me had any sleep throughout the whole night. We just sat on the bed and talked, making the morning's light become more regrettable as time came closer to what must be done today. Today was the day that I am to marry that Monster.

Hearing a knock on the door, Mother peered inside before I could say anything. Seeing the pain reflected in her eyes as she gave me a weak smile. The looked red and puffy, has she been crying all night?

"Good morning sweetheart," she cooed softly, entering my room.

Valka slid off my bed, giving my Mother a respectable bow. "I'll leave you two then," she said, resting a gentle hand on my Mother's shoulder.

"Thank you for staying with her," I heard my mother sooth as Valka nodded pleasantly.

"It was my honor, she is a remarkable young woman," She said, giving me a side glance before leaving the room.

Swinging my legs over the end of the bed, Mother stood in front of me, taking a seat.

Feeling her hand brush my hair away from my face, she frowned. "Didn't get much sleep?" She asked, rubbing my back gently. Shaking my head no, letting my head drop towards my lap.

"Merida?" I heard her say, sadly, I looked over towards her. Her face looked so somber as she tried to smile. "I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to you," she soothed. As she moved my hair, her eyes fell on my neck, knowing that she sees my bruise that Phillip and Drago caused. Her warm hand gentling touched my neck but I flinched, not wanting her to see what they did to me.

"It's nothing," I whispered, knowing that she doesn't believe it.

"Merida, what happened to you? Why is your shirt torn?" She asked softly, bringing my gaze on to hers.

"I- I had an altercation with one of Drago's men," I began slowly, noticing her impatience as well as a worried glance. "One of his men had Harris taken out of the tent so he could be alone with me. He tried to assault me and tore my shirt," Her eyes widened in horror as I explained. "But another man, he knew Hiccup, had stormed in and stopped him." I tried to state reassuringly, seeing her grow angry at the thought of someone hurting her child.

Her gaze eased at my words, but worry still reflected in her eyes.

"And the man, the one who saved you, how does he know Hiccup?" she asked cautiously.

"His names Eret. He used to be in Hiccup's Clan but after an incident with him and a fellow clan member, Hiccup had him banished. I guess he used to work for Drago before he joined Hiccup's clan, that he just went back to the same thing he did before." I informed. The memory of Eret holding Hiccup just to dig his knife into his back sent a shiver down my spine. 

"Are you alright, dear?" I heard her ask softly, bringing my attention to hers."You don't need to tell me about what happened in that camp, but please understand that I'm here for you if you need to talk."

I nodded, still stressed over the whole ordeal that Harris and I had been through. But my heart still ached. "I told Valka about what had happened to her son," I began quietly, noticing her interest peak slightly. Taking her hand in mine, dropping my head at the memory. "He and his clan members came into Drago's camp to try and negotiate Harris and me back. He, Drago, made me chose," I cried somberly, but no tears feel as my body shivered.

"He told me to chose either Him, or he'll kill Harris and Hiccup, then kill Dad to get to you and take our Kingdom. I-I did what I thought I had to do, but when he made me say my decision to Hiccup, he--" I paused, feeling Mother squeeze my finger, itching for me to continue. "He-he had him stabbed, Mom. Drago had Eret stab Hiccup in the back and carried me and Harris away before I could see if he's alright."

"His team still hasn't returned yet from Drago's camp," she reluctantly informed me, squeezing my hands reassuringly. My chest tightened.

"I was afraid of that," I breathed, feeling my tears threaten to fall, but none did. My skin on my face heated up, feeling the cold sweat of dread consume me once again. Seeing my reaction, Mother quickly released my hands and pulled me into a firm embrace. 

"Honey," she cooed softly, petting the back of my hair as I clung for dear life. "I'll find out where they are. We'll get you answers, sweetie, I promise," she stated so firmly, that I felt that what she was saying was true. 

"I didn't want to lose him," I sobbed tearlessly, feeling her body tense to my response. 

"Merida," she started, but paused as we both heard a ruckus commence from outside my door. 

"You cant go in there!" I heard Maudy protest as my door forcibly swung open. Mother and I quickly jumped up to our feet to be greeted by three burly men, clearly belonging to Drago. 

"What is the meaning of this!?" Mother shouted, standing in front of me like a shield from these men.

"A gift from Drago himself," one of them smiled wickedly, throwing a ball of thick, brown fabric on my bed.

"What is it?" Mother asked for me, seeing them turn to leave the room.

"Just get ready, the ceremony starts this afternoon," another one stated coldly as he shoved Maudy aside so they all could take their exit. 

"Get back here!" I challenged, finding my voice once again, but they just ignored me and left us alone.

"Are you alright Maudy?" Mother asked our frightened handmaiden. She looked shaken but nodded a yes.

"'The ceremony is this afternoon'?" I breathed, repeating what that creep said, making my way to the pile of cloth that laid on the bed. Unwrapping its dark wrap, white fabric peaked through. "This is--" I stammered, laying out the white cloth over the bed, my body grew cold. "It's a wedding dress."

Hearing Maudy gasp, Mother rested a hand on my shoulder. Had he a dress for me this whole time? He knew I would side with him?

My body ran cold as I looked down at this modest dress of white, thrown together with a blue and brown petty coat, matching the colors that Drago wears, and a tartan from my Clan's colors. A unifying statement of two clans merging.

He planned this whole thing!

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