Chapter 15

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Author's Note;


This chapter is more of a filler chapter. I'm sorry about that, but I hope you all can bear with me on this for a moment. I don't want to bore you if I did, I apologize about that. Please enjoy and Vote, Comment and Follow. Allons y!!

Merida's POV:

Seeing Hiccup leave had left me feeling hollow. Knowing that he will be back is helping me keep the focus of what task lies ahead. Going towards the group, holding tight of my new trinket, keeping it clenched tight in my hand.

"Princess Merida, I presume?" Spitelout greeted graciously, giving me a respectful bow. I waved him to stand up straight.

"Please, just Merida," I corrected casually. He smiles pleasantly at my mannerisms, giving me a sense of calmness from his gesture. 

"Merida," he corrected. "Valka had just informed in what has happened. I apologize for what has happened to your family and the predicament that that monster Drago has put you in. But as the Gods as my witness, we will not let any harm come to your or your family," Spitelout boasted confidently, hearing the strong passion as he spoke. Seeing it has given me some confidence as well.

"Thank you, Sir," I commented graciously.

"Let's proceed inside, shall we?" Valka asked, gesturing towards the castle.

"Good idea," I said and followed her as my brothers retrieved my dragons for me.

"Oh, one moment," Spitelout said, placing his thumb and middle finger to his lips, he let out a sharp, ear-piercing whistle. "Astrid is out scouting for me, she'll be here in a moment," he informed. Valka stiffened at the name.

"Whos Astrid?" I asked to no one in particular.

"Oh, Astrid is a fine warrior. One of the best in our Village for someone of her age. She's  also soon to be engaged to----"

"Spitelout! May I talk with you for a moment," Valka interrupted harshly. Stunning both Spitelout and myself by her sudden change of mood.

"Uh, yeah, I guess," he said confusingly before following her a few yards away. Leaving me alone as my Brothers began to ascend in my direction. Hearing a rustle in the treeline, a beautiful Dragon of vibrant colors emerged from the forest. Riding on its back, a blonde girl, wearing fur and leather armor.

With grace, she hopped off her dragon. Looking kind of reluctant to join us, she approached me and my brothers. Her blue eyes pierced fiercely in mine.  Why does she look so mad? Especially towards me, what did I do to upset her?

"Here, Mer," Hamish said, handing me Blair. Harris held Kerr securely in his arms as he stood by me. Ready to greet our new guest.

"You must be Astrid?" I greeted, shifting Blair in my arms to extend a hand. She looked at it, but just shifted where she stood, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"That's right. The one and only, Astrid Hofferson at your service," she said almost sarcastically. What's her deal?

"It's nice to meet you. Hiccup didn't inform me that we would be having two extra Viking in his absence. It's quite nice to have another girl on the team next to Valka," I said, trying to sound grateful. Which honestly, isn't one of my strong suits.

"Hiccup doesn't know that I would be here. I figured that with Drago back in town, having an extra set of hands on this mission would be useful," she clarified sourly. Pressing my lips to bite my tong, there is a lot of things I would like to say to her about her attitude. But none of which would be helpful at this moment. She's like me in a lot of ways. For now, I'll let it slide.

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