Chapter 20

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Very raw, and unedited. Please enjoy and don't judge me too harshly. I've been slacking but I see all of your support and it warms my heart to see you all stick with this story. Thank you all so much. Please, leave a vote or comment on how your feeling about this story. This is an unedited story, I will be proofreading this later so be nice to me :) Thank you again

Hiccup's POV:

Staying outside, I kept an eye out for all of the guardsmen and Vikings while they patrolled the area. Taking note in who left and when as Astrid helped to keep everyone in line and make sure everyone gets a turn in scouting and guarding the castle. Apart of me felt terrible casting out those boys. Having them locked up inside like animals all because they were trying to help their family. I can relate to that.

To want to take the initiative to help someone of my family or clan. But what they did was reckless and I believe that Merida and I had made the best choice to leave them inside where they will be safe.

They're both so young and I'm doing everything to find a way to get him back without fighting a war against this creature. I just pray that this doesn't cause anyone else to be so reckless.

"Mr. Chief!" someone called out. Hearing someone running, I turned around to two of the Princes who looked panicked and out of breath from they're run from the castle.

"Hubert, Hamish? What are you two doing out here? You're supposed to stay inside," I stated as they stopped abruptly in front of me.

"This is important though!" Hubert interjected firmly.

"What is it then?"I asked, seeing the distress in the boys, something was off.

They paused, looking back at each other until they sheepishly looked back at me. "It's about Merida," Hamish began, peeking my interest in an alarming way. "She left to go to Drago's camp just after the first rotation of scouts after we confessed about Harris."

"What?" I gasped, feeling my world spin. "W-why didn't you come to me sooner?!" I nearly yelled, taking precautions to keep myself calm.

"We couldn't," Hubert spoke first. "We wanted to stop her but out of all of us, she was the most capable of getting Harris back quietly. They wouldn't suspect a woman, let alone, her in boys clothing. It was all we had. Drago was expecting an army to get our brother back, not a single girl."

"She's a good fighter, Mr. Chief," Hamish added. "She may be a princess but she has been training since she was a kid, even more so since Mother returned to us five years ago. She's good."

"I'm not doubting your sister's abilities," I corrected firmly, gripping the hilt on my sword, my body shook. "I'm more concern about her being in the enemies territory after he just had exclaimed to us days ago that he will slaughter your family if we don't meet his terms. And if you truly thought that your sister was safe, why come to me at all?" I pressed, seeing they face turn pale.

Silence filled the woods as a rush of wind lew passed us.

"We spoke of a time to meet where she and Harris would be. 'Just before sunset', we agreed, but. . . " Hamish sighed, seeing his shoulder slump.

"Something doesn't feel right," Hubert added solemnly.

"So this entire time, she's been With Drago?" I asked with a long sigh, calming my edgy nerves. They nodded.

"Well, one thing I do know is that Drago has a thing for theatrics. He won't kill her right away. He'll wait till he has an audience, so we have until tomorrow when he and his men come back here to await Merida's answer in front of us. For now, she's safe."

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