Chapter 10

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Author's Note;

Super long Update, super long chapter. I can't express how sorry i am for the slow updates, but hundreds of things have gotten in the way and writers block has succumbed me. Again, I'm sorry. This is unedited, but i hope it was worth the wait. Thank you for your patients. Ta ta for now lovelies.

Hiccup's POV;

As we all Gathered around in the Mess Hall, taking our seats around an appropriate sized table. Queen Elinor sat that the Head at the far end, surrounded by the the three red headed boys on either side of her and Merida in the center. Sitting across from her, my Mother sat next to me as my remaining crew filled out the rest of the table, with Starkard at the other end.

Dinner was quickly served with the fallowing of us taking our seats. Trays of rolls, carved turkey, pots of gravy, vegetables, and pastries. Feeling a bit unsure of it all, i forgot to mention to my Men about they're table manners before we arrived. I was so worried about how they would act when we got here, that the thought of having a meal with the Queen had never came to mind. I hope she won't be to turned by our Viking table manners. Though, I'm not entirely sure how the Scottish eat.

Taking our portions and eating, i was more surprised in how those red headed boys ate then my Men. They ate like near well dressed savages. To the Queens discomfort on the matter, she said nothing about it. She must be They're Mother, if i were to guess. That must mean that these are Merida's Brothers. You can see the resemblances like a brick to the face. Same eyes color, hair, physicality traits. I wonder what her Father looks like?

"So, Hiccup," The queen spoke first, just after taking a sip of her tea. I listened intently. "May i ask, where are your dragons now, Did you stash them in the forest or did you arrive on boat?"

"Yes, we tied them off just outside the Kingdom. I wasn't sure if Merida had the chance to tell you about us and i didn't want you or your kingdom to frightened by our arrival," i explained, waiting for her to speak. Hearing the loud combinations of gobbling food all around the table.

"That was very considerate of you, Hiccup, but fortunately for you, Merida has already informed me about the existence of Dragons." My attention was brought to Merida after she had said that. She beamed warmly before nervously taking a drink. She sure was something else. "I'm sure that since you know so much about dragons, you can help me in learning how to take care of Merida's new additions," The Queen added, making everyone stop eating to listen in. Merida's face turned a shade of red that i couldn't believe to be more vibrant then her hair.

"We aren't to familiar with the care of dragons and I don't want those babies to fall ill because we can't adequately take care of them," she clarified, causing a wave of chatter throughout everyone. Questing like; They have dragons? What kind? How could they not know? etc.

"Anything, I would be happy to help," i said honestly. With that, she smiled and went on eating. Looking across the table, noticing that Merida was in a small conversation with my Mother. She was telling her about how Berk was and what it was like with life on our Island. Merida seamed so engrossed in it. Listening about the waves crashing against the cliff sides, Dragons flying in all directions. Vikings everywhere with children riding dragons and herding sheep. It seamed that that was the kind of place that she would really like to see. Though I knew she would, by how many times she had told me.

After a wonderful meal, and giving notes to the Royal family about how to take care of the dragons. Simple remedies for when they get sick, the kinds of food that the babies like, simple things to help they're wings to become strong so they can fly. With the trick that Merida has done, by throwing them in the air and teaching them to catch themselves is a good start, and a great way to teach them strength. Those babies shouldn't have any trouble growing up to be strong and healthy dragons.

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