Chapter 3

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Percy's POV

My next couple of lessons went by with only a few problems. I spent most of the lessons sat at the back not so secretly listening to music. I know what you're thinking, 'Come on Percy, don't be a complete dick' but give me a break. Its difficult to follow lessons when the writing on the board literally looks like a drunk spider was dipped in ink then thrown about the place and when your ADHD kicks in and you cant stop noticing pointless things like, wow that seagull outside the window has a fish in its mouth.You try and focus on interrobangs with all that going on. Not to mention some of the irritating things some people say. I may be a straight F student but even I thought some of the things asked were pure, undiluted stupid.

"Yeah but sir, like, why do we need full stops? People should just, like, know when the sentence is like over."

Wow. I mean seriously, could she have possibly used the word like more times in that sentence? I don't know why I did but I spoke up, for the first time in months.

"Maybe its because, like, not everyone is, like, as smart as you, like. Oh did I mention, like." Sarcasm was thick in my voice. A few people sniggered and the teacher, Mr Douglas, sent me an almost approving look. It was unnerving.

"Right well, after that little outburst maybe we should get back to comma splices."

At that, I put my earphones back in and laughed at the glares coming my way from the barbie clan. No doubt I'd be paid a little visit by them or their many boyfriends after class. Oh well, it was worth the embarrassed blush on their faces.

 I wasn't sure, but I was pretty sure the girl who had spoken up was a girl called Cally. To be fair to her, at least she wasn't a complete barbie clone like the rest of them. Unlike their bleach blonde hair, she had long, brown silky hair and surprisingly wore less make up than the rest. Plus, her boyfriend was actually not a complete jerk. His name was Leo and he was a pretty cool guy to be honest.

 I started to feel kind of bad about showing her up in front of the class until I noticed them pointing and giggling at another girl who didn't fit in with their motto; Bitchy, Bad ass, beautiful. I'm not even kidding, that's literally the motto they say to people. The girl started to look extremely uncomfortable as they looked at her, whispered something then all threw their heads back and shrieked with laughter. I honestly didn't understand them. I understood them bitching about the cliché nerdy girls, I didn't think it was right but I understood that's a regular thing in high school. But this girl they were picking on now didn't really fit that picture. She was fairly short, not tiny though. She had curly brown hair that bounced around her shoulders and smooth, blemish free brown skin. She was cute, even if she wasn't really my type. I suddenly remembered her name from Greek last year, it was Hazel. From what I could remember she was pretty nice. I wasn't sure what they were saying to her but I watched her eyes brim with tears and I was angry.

"Hey, Hazel! Come over here, I need to ask you something about Greek." She shot me a grateful look, grabbed her stuff and made her way over to the empty seat next to me.

Hazel's POV

Oh thank the lord for the quiet kid at the back of the class. I could kind of remember his name, Percy something. I was a little embarrassed that it took so little from those girls to upset me, but they had hit a nerve. Somehow, they had found put about my mum and her time in hospital. How, I didnt know. Why they keep going on at me, I did know. Apparently, the bitches had some kind of ownership of all the jocks, one of whom I happened to kiss at a party. Still, I saw no need for them to be so over the top about. Thankfully though, Percy saved me by letting me sit next to him.

"Thanks, you didn't have to let me sit here."

"Honestly, it was completely selfish. I just wanted to see the look on their faces when they had no one to bitch at." He smiled and stared out the window on his left.

He was pretty cute to be honest, the way his hair looked unbrushed but in a stylish way, how defined his jaw was and his eyes. They were bright green but they had spirals of blue in them, like the sea. Yeah he was cute, but I had my eye on someone else.

We sat by each other for the rest of class, without actually speaking. Looking down at his paper, I realised  the only thing he'd written was the date and even then it was spelt wrong and the handwriting was awful. I'd forgotten he had that dyslexia thing. That's probably why he never did any work. Bless him, it must have been difficult for him. I was about to ask him if he wanted help with anything when the bell went. Before I even had time to identify it as the bell, his desk was clear, his chair was pushed back and he was gone.

~ Heyy so again not very exciting stuff this time but don't you worry, that shit is on its way. Also 'Cally' is short for Calypso just in case any of you didn't get that.  A quick reminder that I don't own anyyy of the PJo or HoO characters, sadly :(

see you laters alligators

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