Chapter 34

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Percy's POV

I assumed after a week or two, Annabeth would be done with whatever it was she needed Drew for. But apparently  I was wrong. Everyday, for two months, we'd walk to school together, we'd say bye at the gates and then she'd walk away and act like she didn't even know me for the day. Sure, I'd get texts from her throughout the day but it wasn't the same as actually being able to talk to her. I still saw her after school but I missed her. Really missed her. 

"Stop moping, Percy. You'll see her in like an hour and a half. We have more pressing matters, anyway." Piper repeated her usual lunch time reassurances daily. "Okay so it's Nico's birthday in a few days and still none of us know what to get him. You're his cousin, any ideas?"

Everyone was watching me expectantly, except Will who was fully focused on his phone. I shrugged unhelpfully. "I really don't know guys, something black? You'd be better off asking Will or Annabeth, he's way closer to them." 

"Not a chance, I have only one idea what to get him and there's no way I'm letting you guys steal my idea. Ask  Annabeth, she'll know probably. They are weirdly close." Will spoke without looking up. He was right, Nico and Annabeth had built up a kinda unexpected friendship ever since the thing with Luke. She knew more about him than I did. 

"Right I'll text her." Practically everyone rolled their eyes, they were as annoyed with the situation as I was. I mean, it was stupid. Annabeth was sat two tables away from us yet we had to text to communicate with her. 

Annabaeee, present ideas for Nico? We are helpless over here :( xxx - P

Ffs Perce, stop with that name!  I know, you're useless. He'd love some Doc Martens but doesn't want to ask, we could all club together for them? Maybe some band shirts too? Will's taking him to a BMTH concert so he's sorted. I'll see you later, okay?  :( xxxx - A

"She's a genius. Doc Martens, we can afford them if we all  put money towards it. Except Will, he's taking him to a concert." As the others loudly discussed what colour we should  get him, I glanced over at Annabeth from across the lunch hall and gave her a thumbs up. In return, she gave me a small, sad smile. My heart broke. It made no sense why she hung out with those guys if it made her so miserable,  she never wanted to talk about it either. Whenever I asked, she'd just go quiet and say sorry a lot. 

"Still no Annabeth? What a shame. Are any of you up for the skate park tomorrow? I haven't been in so long and I'm a little rusty. Percy, you'll come right?" Rachel sat down heavily in the seat next to me. Piper and Leo gave each other a look before sending the same one at me. Neither of them were very fond of Rachel, I couldn't blame them really. Rachel had changed. A lot. Most conversations with her were now filled with backhanded compliments, poorly hidden bitching and just plain old nastiness.  Call me dumb but even I could tell when someone was being manipulative and Rachel was a pro. 

"Me, Annabeth and Piper were planning on going anyways so you're welcome to tag along." Complete bullshit but I knew the other two wouldn't mind. I turned myself towards Piper as Rachel's face fell at her failed attempt at making plans with me. "Pipes, is Jason coming? Like I know he doesn't skate and he has training  but you could always teach him. Tell him I promise to take him for pizza afterwards. I might ask Nico if he wants to come, too. He always used to like it there."

"I'll convince Jason to pull a sickie, he can miss one training session. It won't kill him. Well, as long as Coach doesn't find out it won't. Don't sweat it, I can be very convincing when I want to be." She grinned evilly. Jason was definitely coming with us. 

"Neeks will probably go, I'll text him now." Will's ears burnt pink as he realised the pet name he'd used. "I-uh-i-Nico, I mean. Not uh, yeah."

Of course, it was too late. Leo had heard. "Neeks? Interesting. Sounds like a cute pet name, William. Never heard anyone refer to him as 'Neeks' before. Have you Percy?" I shook my head, laughing at Will's bright pink face. "He hates pet names. I'm guessing he'd only let someone important call him one. Someone like, oh I don't know, just maybe his boyfriend perhaps? I'm just throwing ideas out there, you guys don't mind me."

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