Chapter 4

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Percy's POV

I wanted to leave that class as soon as I could. I noticed the sympathetic look Hazel gave me after looking at my unused paper, she looked at me as if she wanted to help me, as if I was too stupid to do it myself. I couldn't be bothered to have yet another conversation with someone about how I can handle myself and I don't need their help to read or write, I wasn't completely useless. Plus, I really didn't want to have a group of cake faced scream at me for calling them out on their complete lack of brain cells.

So, I made my way to lunch. Now, to most students lunch is a brilliant time where they can eat, chat with their friends and chill between lessons. For me though, it was hell. The school's food was gross, so I generally saved the money and stopped off at a shop after school. This usually meant I had nothing to do all lunch. It was a toss up between sitting in the lunch hall and avoiding eye contact with everyone, or sitting in the library avoiding people all together. Considering my run ins with people that day, I decided I'd be better off in the library.

It wasn't a place I went a lot, I mean I could barely read a picture book so those long, dusty books in there gave me a headache just thinking about them. But it was a quiet place to chill and listen to some music. I headed towards the back of the place when I got there, the area with the comfy seats and bean bag chairs. Closing my eyes, I started to relax. About ten minutes later, my peace was ruined by a voice I would never expect to hear in a library. Annabeth Chase.

Annabeth's POV

I'd been having a pretty shit day so far, so I decided to ditch my friends at lunch, using some excuse about lunch detention, and headed towards my favourite place in the whole school. The library. I know what you're thinking; why would I, a dumb blonde, an airhead, a bitch, enjoy the library? Because of the books. Obviously. As hard as I tried, I could never succeed in pushing down my love of learning. Sure, I hid it well. I always made sure I never got above average in test, I always made sure to use a simple vocabulary at school, I always made sure I fit in. It was boring and unsatisfying but it meant I stayed at the top of the food chain. 

I'd  spent time at the bottom and it was awful. I was bullied badly, getting beaten pretty much daily, my books were stolen from my locker and bullshit rumours were spread about me. I never wanted to live through that again. So when I moved to Goode, I stopped with the bookworm stuff and became what everyone expected of me. A dumb blonde with an irritating, bitchy personality. I hated it. The rumours were still there but these were less malicious. More like hopeful stories than truly terrible rumours.

But anyway, I'd spent the day restraining myself from answering questions and giggling along like an airhead so I was craving a book. Something intellectual. Something that didn't contain shitty teenage love triangles and badly written comedy. I wanted something the old Annabeth would love, a classic. I wasn't afraid here, I knew no one would even step into this library.

I spoke briefly with the librarian, asking where the classics section was, then made my way over. Taking my time, I ran my hands along the spines of the books enjoying the feeling of them. After finding the book I wanted, I made my way to the reading area. I was excited by the prospect of actually using my brain without fear of anyone seeing. I could sometimes read at home, but lets just say it wasn't exactly peaceful. Just as I turned the corner, I realised my happiness was short lived.

Why the hell was Percy Jackson here? The kid could barely read! I breathed deeply and reminded myself that je was an outcast, he couldn't do anything to hurt my status. Without looking at him, I sat down in an armchair a few metres away from him. Huh, it seemed he hadn't even noticed me. I was a page in when he proved me wrong.

"Wow, what's Annabeth Chase doing in here? I was under the impression you and your posse could only read beauty magazines or the instructions to a hair dye kit."

I blushed a dark red, I was ashamed. He was absolutely spot on, that's all my friends usually did read.

" Its for homework, if you must know. Plus, you can barely even read so why the hell are you here?"

I looked over at him. His expression was one of laughter but his eyes were hard and he seemed offended by what I'd said. I started to feel bad until he spoke up again.

"Well I'm not here for the company clearly. If I were to guess I'd say your having a go at reading to impress some lad that maybe finds stupidity unattractive?"

"Nothing to do with you really is it. And next time, don't assume I'm an idiot based on my hair color, its pathetic."

At that he laughed, "Can you blame me for assuming? You've never shown any proof of intelligence before."

I slammed my book shut and stormed out. I just made it out the library when the tears began to fall. He was completely right. I never showed intelligence. I was pathetic.

Percy's POV

Okay, okay, so maybe I went a little overboard. Maybe the comment about her intelligence was over the line but I was mad. She never treated me with respect so why should I to her. At least, that's what I tried telling myself. Oh well, no doubt she would go and tell the jocks about the mean loner boy calling her stupid for which I would get a beating. Lovely. I really needed to hold my tongue. I groaned as the bell went. Next stop, science. Oh joy. My science class was filled with jocks and populars, including Annabeth herself. It looked like I'd be getting a beating before the day was up.

~Hey, so I know there's like no percabeth yet but don't worry, its on its way. Also, there's definitely some mistakes in there so sorry hey writing on the app is a bitch

see you laters alligators

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