Chapter 28

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Annabeth's POV

Under the circumstances, I probably shouldn't have been so happy. And I definitely shouldn't have been so disappointed when his mom walked in, interrupting what I was convinced was the defining moment of my life. Okay, maybe that was a bit over dramatic but hey, being that close to kissing without the actual event occurring five freaking times in one week was frustrating to a girl. Call me crazy but I thought it was getting to him as well, especially after his dramatic sigh as she entered the room. We were both crazy, we'd properly known each other for just over two weeks. And before that I hated his guts. He was emo, weird and infuriatingly sarcastic. He was still all those things but somehow he'd managed to smirk his way into my heart. I know, that's gross and cheesy but there was no other way to explain how suddenly he'd just basically become my best friend. My basically best friend who I was holding hands with.

It probably should have been weird or uncomfortable, but it just wasn't. That scared me a little. I could physically feel my walls fighting to build themselves back up. But every single smile Percy sent in my direction made them crumble straight back down again. I felt vulnerable and exposed for the first time in years. I kind of liked it. Neither of us had spoken for a while, which generally wasn't an issue. But I was completely lost in thought, which didn't exactly sit well with an ADHD ridden Percy.

"Someone's thinking hard. Careful, you don't want to blow a fuse." He knocked against my shoulder and winked as he spoke. The snort that was my reaction was extremely attractive.

"Gee, thanks for the compliment. But come on, out of the two of us who's more likely to injure themselves thinking?" I smirked at him, eyebrows raised. I laughed slightly at his awkward expression, we both knew there was no correct answer to the question. "Come on, slow coach, some of us had school today and are shattered."

He rolled his eyes but smiled and pulled me along a little faster. "I'd give you a piggy back but your levels of sass are too high. I will not piggy anyone with more sass than me." I started to object but he covered my mouth, so obviously I stuck my tongue out and licked his palm. He pulled a face and wiped it on my cheek.

"You are disgusting, Jackson." I pulled my hand away and shoved his arm a little. "I think as an apology for being so gross I should get a piggy back. Pleeease?" I grabbed his arm and used my best puppy eyes. He sighed over dramatically and rolled his eyes. But he did step in front of me and hold his arms out behind him.

"Although technically you started it, you licked my hand. But sure, use me as a pack mule. I'm completely fine with that." I hopped on, ignoring his sarcasm. "Lazy girl. But don't panic, I'll remember to watch my hands this time." As if to illustrate his point, he squeezed my thighs in a very cheeky and un-Percy like way. My cheeks flushed pink. I thanked the gods he couldn't see my face, he would definitely tease me for it.

"Percy!" I slapped his arm, which caused him to chuckle deeply. I rolled my eyes. "Come on, I would really like to get back within the next hour. Move, peasant." He snorted in response but did pick up the pace a little.

After twenty minutes of poking, childish giggling and extreme sarcasm , we finally made it back to his apartment. Percy fumbled for his keys with one hand and held me on his back with the other. Well, attempted to keep me on his back. The second he leaned over to actually open the door I fell straight off his back, landing directly on my butt. Brilliant. My face burnt bright red as Percy turned to look down at me, his eyes wide with horror. The fear instantly melted into a huge grin which then gave way to huge bellows of laughter. To the point where actual tears started to form in his eyes. I scowled at him which he completely ignored. It was only after pushing myself up off the floor and shoving my way past a useless Percy that he sobered up a little.

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