Chapter 5

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Annabeth's POV

Gods I hated Perseus Jackson, he was such a jerk. I decided it was his own fault he had no friends, he was a selfish, presumptuous pig who didn't care about anyone or anything. Still fuming, I stormed into my science class and went to sit with Jason and Frank (two of the nicer jocks) at the front of the class, exactly where I knew HE wouldn't sit. As I made small talk with Frank, my anger started to ebb. Frank really was a nice guy, especially when compared to some of the other jocks. I'd heard he'd kissed some girl at a party and lets just say some of my friends were not best pleased. It was basically a rule that Jocks only dated Populars, only Cally had really broken the rule by going out with Valdez.

The teacher, Miss Fox, started to talk so I turned my attention to the board. She was not a pleasent women, Miss Fox. She had stringy blonde hair and an odd face that many described as looking shark-like. Every week she wore the same dress, a badly fitting green number that had been christened 'The Christmas Tree' by my friends and I. She constantly talked down at us but at the same time, expected us all to achieve A* in her class. It was truly boring. Anyway, I did not want to piss her off so I listened as she spoke.

"As you all know, the trick to being a good scientist is to be like a detective and search for clues. Do you all understand? It's difficult for you to understand but you have to want to find something out in order to discover something." She was interrupted from her completely un science related speech by a loud banging sound as the door swung open.

"Ahh Mr Jackson, how nice of you to join us. I assume you won't really understand what's happening here but you might as well participate. Off you go and sit down." He did as he was told but not before sending a glare at both me and Miss Fox.

"Anyway as I was saying, the most simple way to describe a study is to describe it as being a detective. So for you projects I'd like you to partner up and be a detective. Try and find out as much as you can about your partner. I don't mean just a page, I want a full report. This is a large project that will be done at home over the next couple of months."

The room buzzed as people decided on partners, best friends shouted to each other from across the classroom and people started to move seats.

"Wait! Did I not mention? I have already assigned you partners so move back now." The whole class groaned at the idea of assigned partners.

"Now, as you get to choose your seats every class I assume you know the people you sit with rather well. I have made notes on who has never sat beside one another in order to partner you up. This way you'll be able to get practice on your detective skills as you all need them to improve quite drastically. So please listen up as read out partners."

Shit. Please not him, anyone but him.

"Travis Stoll and Katie Gardener, Clarisse La Rue and Jason Grace, Frank Zhang and Hazel Levesque, Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson, Leo Valdez and Piper Mclean..."

I pretty much stopped listening at my name. Of course she would put us together, the universe hated me that much. I turned to find him glaring at me with almost hatred, it was terrifying. I wasn't going to show him that though, so I just glared straight back at him. We were glaring until Hazel tapped my shoulder and asked to sit next to Frank. Lucky bitch, actually got partnered with someone she likes. I shoved past her and made my way to the back of the classroom. Anger was clear on my face as I reached his desk. He smirked and pushed the spare chair back with his foot. He was such a jerk.

Percy's POV

Yep. I was not at all surprised we were paired together. I'd always made it clear I disliked Annabeth and Miss Fox was the type of teacher who just loved to shit stir. Even an idiot like me could predict she'd put me in the most uncomfortable position she could. But whatever, it was done now. I was about to suggest doing the whole thing by text when Foxy herself spoke up.

"And for those of you I've heard suggesting doing the project over social medias without actually meeting up, you can think again. I will need solid evidence that all research was done properly, face to face. This includes photos. Plus they will be thoroughly marked and compared so any inconsistency's between works will be bad news for anyone involved. Okay, you may start to discuss now though the rest of the project must be done at home."

I heard a groan come from beside me, apparently she'd had the same idea as me. I smirked at her complete lack of subtlety.

"What's up, Chase? Got a problem with me?" Laughed as anger flashed through her eyes. Oh yeah, I could have some fun with this.

"Look Jackson, I don't like you and you don't like me. So lets make a deal, I'll come to your house once to get pictures and shit, then you do the same for my house. You can send me the rest of the answers by text. Okay?"

To be honest, I was surprised at her quick thinking to come up with a plan. Usually, I would agree to have as little contact as possible. But I enjoyed winding her up.

" Yeah well, that will be a problem because good detectives cant detective stuff over text. Plus we wouldn't want to upset Foxy now would we."

"A very good point Mr Jackson. Miss Chase, I will be sure to contact your parents so they can ensure you do your homework correctly."

Well shit. That backfired. I was planning on messing with her for a bit then agreeing with her texting plan. Well that plan was now ruined.

"Thanks for that, jerk. Now not only will I get bitched at by my step mum but I have to deal with you for months. But whatever, I need to pass this class so come to my house after school tonight and lets get it over with as soon as possible." She spoke quickly, with a tired look in her eyes. I have to admit, I felt kinda bad. I wanted to piss her off but it wasn't cool of me to get her in trouble with her parents.

The bell went and she made her way over to her gaggle of friends. As I left the classroom, I noticed she was a hell of a lot quieter than usual. I'd apologise later.

------Le time skip to walk home-----

I walked home with my cousin, Nico. He was kind of like me, an outcast in a way. If he was in my year we'd probably hang out, but our timetables were too different. Plus, he did have a handful of friends from both his grade and mine. Yeah, I'd rather be on my own.

"Hey, Nico. I gotta go, huge project to work on tonight."

"Kay, see you later Perce." We both raised our hands in an awkward wave as we walked different ways. As I walked home, I thought of the work I had to do that night. At the thought of going to Annabeth's house, my stomach started to twist. It was weird. It was probably nothing.

~Heyy, so I had a lot of fun writing this chapter. FYI, Miss Fox is actually based on my physics teacher and just so you know, she was described very accurately. Yeah so I'm really excited to keep writing this!

see you laters alligators

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