Chapter 6

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Annabeth's POV

"Annabeth Chase! Do you care to explain why I just got a phone call from you teacher? Could it possibly be because you refused to complete your homework?"

For gods sake. As expected, I was greeted home by my step-monster's obnoxious screams. I would have to remember to thank Percy for getting me that phone call.

"Seriously? What the hell is this. I can deal with the fact you seem to have become a slut, I can deal with the fact your new friends are pure stupid, I can even deal with the fact you now drink at parties doing god knows what but I cannot accept you letting your school work slip. Because eventually you'll be over this silly phase and you'll regret deciding to abandon your education."

Talk about over exaggerating. "Oh come Helen. It was one phone call home for fucks sake. Its not like I'm getting F's or anything, I just didn't want to do that particular homework."

Her face clouded with anger. Her face grew red and I swear there was steam coming from her ears.

"Don't you dare use that language in my house. Get to your room now, I don't even want to look at you!"

"That's fine by me, but you should know a boy's coming over later to do that oh so important homework. So since I'm in so much trouble, I should call him and tell him he cant come anymore."

I was suddenly excited that I had a way out. Thank the gods   for my overly harsh step-monster.

"I don't think so Annabeth. You will do that homework, even if it means a boy being here. I mean it."

Well, I guess she wasn't good for anything. I was sure she'd say he couldn't come over. Now, I had no way out.

Percy's POV

For the first time in my life I wished I had more strict parents. Then, maybe they'd say I had to stay and help out at home rather than going out. But no, they couldn't be happier about letting me go. Actually, I think my mum's exact words were, "Of course you can go out! You honestly need to go out more, do you need a lift there?"

I declined her offer of a lift, I didn't want to get there any sooner than I had to. I collected my stuff together, chucked it into a bag and made my way to the door.

"I'll be back soon guys, see you later."

"See you later Perce, have a good time!"

I grunted, made my way out the door and headed towards the elevator. Once I was at the street, I headed off towards Annabeth's apartment block. Now, I know what you're thinking, 'if you hate her so much, why do you know where she lives?', but she lived a few blocks down from me, ot would have been weirder if I didn't know where she lived. But anyway, I took my sweet time getting there. I stopped and bought myself a drink and some blue cookies ( what? I was hungry)from a shop before taking the elevator up to her floor. Shut up, I'm not a stalker. Anyway, I walked over to her door. For some reason I was suddenly nervous. I still felt bad about getting her a phone call home, but whatever. She deserved it really. I shook my head and knocked on her door.

It was answered by a relatively short woman. Her face was a hard, unimpressed mask as she looked me up and down. I started to feel as if I was on display.

"Um I'm here to do a project with Annabeth, is she uh here?"

She didn't say anything to me for literally 2 minutes. That was 2 minutes of complete awkward silence as the woman, who I assumed was Annabeth's step mum, looked me up and down judging everything about me. Finally though, the stopped. Giving me a dirty look, she turned and shouted,

Don't judge a book by its cover.[Percabeth]Where stories live. Discover now