Chapter 12

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~I have no idea what day it was supposed to be here so I've now decided its Friday. Deal with it.~

Annabeth's POV

I woke in an unknown room, in an unknown bed, listening to some unknown person snoring. I panicked for a moment before remembering the events of the night before. It came rushing back all at once, the good and the bad parts. I was in Piper's room, I went there after having a fight with my step mum, before that I was at Percy's house. Percy. I read the texts he'd sent me and smiled a little at the nickname, wise girl. I didn't think anyone else would think the word wise could be applied to me, but he did. I would never admit it, but I kind of liked the name. I was also looking forward to seeing him at school. Oh gods, school. I grabbed my phone and frantically checked the time. It was 8:30. Phew, I had a little time.

"Piper! We have school, get your butt up!" The only response was a little grunting and rustling of her sheets. I rolled my eyes. Wincing at the cold air, I walked over to where Piper was sleeping and pulled her sheets off her. She sat bolt upright, glaring at me. I stood with my hands on my hips, just as she had done the night before.

"Why the hell did you wake me up? Believe it or not I was woken at the wee hours of the morning by a poor damsel in distress looking for a place to stay, so I am pretty tired."

"Oh haha. Am I okay to use your shower?" She grunted in reply and covered her head with her pillow. I laughed lightly and made my way to the bathroom, grabbing my bag as I went. I showered quickly, brushed my teeth and set to work trying to tame my hair. I checked my phone for the time. 8:45. We had fifteen minutes. I didn't have time to do anything fancy with it so and it was too wild to leave down without product so I settled for a high ponytail, with a few curls left out around my face. I searched my bag before realising I'd forgotten all my makeup. Shit. I'd have to do without. I got dressed quickly. It was obvious I'd packed quickly last night, I had no clothes I would have usually deemed acceptable for school. It looked like I'd be settling for my comfy black, ripped jeans, a band t-shirt and my black converse. Oh gods, this day was going to ruin everything I'd worked for. Everyone knew only emos wore the kind of band shirt I was wearing but pair that with black ripped jeans and black converse? My friends would definitely have something to say about my outfit choice. I then also realised that it was raining and I only had Percy's hoodie with me. So I'd also be wearing that. I guess I could've asked Piper if I could borrow some clothes but she was already giving me a place to stay.

I walked out the bathroom to a fully dressed Piper. Her eyes glanced over my outfit. I was expecting a full bitch attack but all I got was, "Liking the new look."

She too was wearing black jeans, though hers were unripped, and a baby blue tee style crop top. She wore white high topped converse. She glanced at her watch and shrieked.

"Crap! We are gonna be so late, get a move on. Nope, nope, we'll have to take the car."

I didn't have a school bag, it was at home, but most of my stuff was in my locker anyway. Piper grabbed my wrist and we ran down to the garage.

"Schist! Its gone for a service, looks like we're running." I grinned at her wild look and followed her out. I really liked Piper, she was just cool. Not boring, or preppy or thick. She was naturally pretty with choppy brown hair that was braided with a feather down the sides and gorgeous eyes that seemed to constantly change colour. She managed to look glamorous even whilst running down busy streets, red faced with the efforts.

We made it into the gates, puffing, red faced and dripping with sweat despite the drizzly weather. But we weren't late. I pulled the hood of the jacket over my face and winced at the rain, it had started to get heavier. We walked up the stairs to the main doors laughing at our stupid arrival. But my laughter soon stopped as I remembered I'd actually have to walk in and see everyone. I hadn't not worn make up to school for years, I hadn't worn my hair up to school for years and I definitely hadn't gone to school dressed the way I was in years. I was a little apprehensive. It all felt a little too familar. It reminded me of the way I used to feel every time I went to school, every time I would prepare myself for the next beating. I shivered but stepped through the doors.

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