Chapter 17

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Annabeth's POV

I woke in a strange bed, with absolutely no clue where I was. My mind was still foggy with sleep, so I was extremely confused when I realised my legs were twined with someone else's. I sat up, eyes still bleary from sleep, to see a mop of black hair at the other end of the bed. Gods, had I fallen asleep at Percy's house? Yes, it appeared I had. Rubbing my eyes, I sat up a bit straighter. He looked incredibly sweet while he slept. The whole tough guy facade was gone and was replaced by ruffled hair, a cute smile and drool. Suddenly, I had a thought. I picked up the covers slightly and breathed a sigh of relief as I noticed we were both fully dressed.

"Mumph, no. I didn't take the cake." Percy mumbled incoherently from the other side of the bed. Without warning, he sat bolt upright, his eyes wide open.

"Oh, hey Annabeth. Wow, you're cute in the morning." His voice was deep and thick with sleep, a very attractive morning voice. I laughed at his baffled face as he started to wake up and realise what he had just said. He yawned widely and ran his hand through his hair, using the other to keep himself propped up. I decided morning Percy was my favourite Percy.

"You know you drool in your sleep." His hand shot up to wipe at his mouth, I laughed as his face blushed red. I stretched and reached for my phone. I saw that Percy had text Piper where I'd be. Gods, I hoped he hadn't read the ones before that. Where Piper thought it was appropriate to say,

Stay safe! I saw you two eyeing each other up. 'Movie' , yeah right ;) - Pipes

She wasn't exactly wrong though. I knew I had been looking at Percy a lot in Gym. What? He was wearing a particularly tight top. I'd also been looking when he'd gone for a swim. Who would have thought the odd kid at the back of the class would be so muscular? My heart beat a little faster as I remembered curling up against him during the film the night before. Stop it! I reminded myself that he probably still thought of me as an annoying, blonde airhead.

"So, Wise girl, what are your plans for the weekend?"Percy had moved so he was now leaning back against the wall, so his right side was facing me.

"Well, I don't have any myself but I do know Pipers having a little get together tonight. Will you come?" He looked unsure

"I don't know, it depends who will be there." He scratched the back of his neck, it was kind of like a nervous reflex for him. I forgot he didn't generally get on with people very well.

"Only a few from my group, the nicest ones only. I think Cally's bringing Leo, her boyfriend. Jason and Frank will probably be there. Reyna, from my group, she's okay though! I didn't agree with Piper on this one, I was scared it would cause arguments but I think she's invited her friend Hazel. I know Cally doesn't exactly like her. Oh, and Will Solace is going too! Maybe the Stolls. And you can invite someone too. Please come? Pretty please? I'll be bored on my own." I put on my best pleading face, pouty bottom lip and all.

I could see Percy considering each persons name I'd said. "Okay, but only for you. I wouldn't want you to be bored." He still looked a little uneasy about it but I was thrilled he'd be going. I threw my arms around his neck and he pulled me in for a hug, chuckling into my hair.

"I'm inviting Nico though, it sounds like that little party could do with a little doom and gloom." I rolled my eyes, even though he couldn't see it.

"And you can stop rolling your eyes at me too." He poked me in the side, tickling me and making me laugh. Without warning, he dived on me and started mercilessly tickling me. He was immune to my punches against his chest and my squealing. I was not immune to the tickling. Now, I'm very ticklish. Like, amazingly so. But only in certain places. Somehow, Percy knew the exact spots. He only stopped when I was actually crying with laughter and he was tired. He flopped down next to me.

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