Chapter 31

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Percy's POV

I had no idea why Rachel was being so harsh on Annabeth, she didn't even know her. After she made the comment about her I didn't really feel like hanging out any more. I went on the defence and Rachel clammed up and became a little sulky. Her dad came to collect her about half an hour after Annabeth left. He really didn't like me and he'd always made that fact clear. He never addressed me by my name,  he just kind of grunted in my general direction with a disgusted look on his face. A real gem. As pissed off as I was, though, Rachel was still my friend, so I promised I'd meet her for school on Monday. She nodded a little before leaving right on her dad's tail. Brilliant. 

Whatever Rachel had against Annabeth, she needed to let it go. Thinking about Annabeth made my heart speed up instantly. That kiss. That dam kiss. Honestly, I couldn't wait to see her the next day and do the whole thing again. The stupid ass butterflies in my stomach started a dance party as I pictured her face. Didn't exactly make it easy to sleep. Frustrated, I turned to Facebook for some slightly depressing yet extremely amusing content. I was innocently scrolling down my newsfeed, silently judging all human life, when I came across a picture posted by  Piper. No one was around to see but my face's temperature increased by around one hundred degrees. It was a picture I was unaware had been taken, one from the sleepover thing. Annabeth and I were asleep on the couch, she was curled right into my side, a smile on her lips. Maybe it wasn't the smartest thing, but I instantly saved the photo and set it as my home screen. I know, cringey as hell but it was a nice photo! For whatever reason  a calmness spread through me, finally allowing me to sleep. 

The second I woke up, something felt wrong. I grabbed my phone to check the time, smiling a little at the new lock screen. The smile instantly disappeared when I saw the time. Half past one. Two hours late to meet Annabeth. I had four texts from her and two missed calls from Piper. Shit. 

Meet at yours at half eleven, yeah? xx  - A

Are you still okay to come? xx - A

Look you don't have to come, just let me know. I get it. x - A

Fine. I'll see you afterwards I guess - A

Crap crap crap. I quickly typed out a message explaining the situation and saying how sorry I was before actually jumping out of bed. I threw on the first clothes I could find (black t shirt, black jeans and converse), quickly put the rings in my lip before grabbing my jacket and keys and literally running out the door. Annabeth had text me back, thank gods, calling me an idiot and telling me to get my ass over to Piper's.  And get my ass there I did. My legs didn't stop moving until I was knocking on Piper's apartment door, face bright red and panting. I leant over, hands on knees, trying to catch my breath. 

"I have never wanted you more, Mr Jackson." 

My stomach jumped suddenly at her voice. Acting as casual as was possible, I stood straight and turned to look at her. "What can I say, some people just look good no matter what." 

Annabeth was stood in the doorway, hands on hips a smirk on her face. Gorgeous. She rolled her eyes at me, before shouting back into the hallway. "I'll see you later Pipes, or not if all goes well." There was a mumbled reply, I didn't hear it but apparently Annabeth did. "Come on, seaweed brain. Lets get moving."

She shut the door and stared at me , expectantly. Did she want me to kiss her? I wanted to kiss her. I had no clue if it was socially acceptable, I mean, we weren't officially dating but we kissed less than twenty four hours before. I was actually clueless.  I started to panic a little, I thought it was discreet but apparently not. She rolled her eyes and stepped towards me before, her eyes fluttering closed for a second as she  leaned forward on her tiptoes and pressed her lips against mine. I placed my hands lightly on her waist, pulling her a little closer. It was sweet and short, a whisper of a kiss. But it relaxed me instantly, it was like I was releasing a breath I didn't even realise I'd been holding in. 

Don't judge a book by its cover.[Percabeth]Where stories live. Discover now