Chapter 10

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Annabeth's POV

I came home to the sound of screaming yet again.

"And here she is, late as usual. Where the hell have you been? And what the hell were the boys talking about? Apparently a friend of yours had words with them, telling them you were a good sister. Not mention the fact he swore at them! Who was this stranger?" I tried looking at my dad for support but he just glanced down, not even keeping eye contact with me.

"Well maybe if you hadn't raised such little monsters strangers wouldn't have to tell them off for being little shits." I realised my mistake as soon as I said it. I should not have insulted the twins. Helen came steaming towards me and slapped my cheek hard. I was speechless. She then grabbed my hair and dragged me into my bedroom slamming the door shut. I heard her scream from the hall, "Don't you dare speak about my babies that way ever again!" My dad being the weak willed human he his, said nothing. Not one word. The tears started to fall then. Why was my dad so useless? Did he not care about me at all? I grabbed the piece of paper that was crumpled on the floor, smoothed it out and then punched the number into my phone.

"Hello, who is this?" The person at the other end of the line yawned.

"Hey Piper, its me, Annabeth. I've just had a huge fight with my step mum and she hit me and I just need to get away from here. I know its late and you barely know me but please, please can I come to yours." My voice started to edge towards hysterical as I ended what I had to say.

"Okay first things first, calm the fuck down. Secondly, of course you can. Get your ass over here now because I need to talk to you about this face to face. Oh and take it from someone who's snuck out before, leave a note so they don't call the police."

She told me her address and hung up. I started to get a bag of stuff together. Clothes for the next day, toothbrush stuff like that. I then wrote out a simple note that read, I'm staying at a friends house until the step monster apologises to me. Not that you care, but I'm safe. Much safer than I feel in that house, to finish it off I signed my name with three x's underneath. I pulled my shoes and Percy's hoodie on before grabbing my key and sneaking out the front door while the rest of my family watched a family movie.

I ran most of the way to Piper's, only stopping to get my bearings a few times. I came to her building. I instantly noticed how lush the whole place was. Even the lobby was nicer than my whole apartment. I took the elevator up to her floor and knocked lightly. Piper opened the door, grinned and motioned for me to come in. I gasped as I entered, only to receive a slap on the arm and 'ssshh!' from Piper. She grabbed my arm and pulled me up some stairs. So her apartment had two floors. She pushed open a door that had a P written on the front of it.

The room was gorgeous. It had two dark purple walls, a light blue ceiling and a back wall made almost entirely out of glass. In one corner of the room she had a sofa which happened to be facing a huge flat screen tv. There was a small alcove on the left side of the room which contained a surprisingly small bed for such huge room. Two doors led off the right wall, one was the bathroom, the other a walk in closet. The carpet was thick and a dark purple colour, the same as her walls. She promptly walked over to the sofa, pressed a few discrete buttons on the arm of it and voilà. A huge bed appeared where the sofa was moments before.

"We'll talk about what happened tomorrow because quite frankly, you look shattered." I smiled weakly at that. Piper smirked back, her hands on her hips.

"You can change in the bathroom if you want, I'm off to bed now. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Thank you, Piper. Seriously, it means a lot. " she just winked back at me before walking to the alcove and collapsing into bed. I laughed and made my way into the bathroom. I came out in shorts, a vest top and Percy's hoodie. What? It was comfy. Once I was in bed, I pulled out my phone to see I had a text from him.

Pssst. You better be taking care of that jumper-P

Of course I am! It's verryy comfy, I think I'll struggle to give it back;) - A

Hey, I mean it miss. I want it back eventually- P

We'll see - A

I fell asleep after that. But when I woke I saw I had two texts.

I'm serious, even if I have to take it off you myself I'll get it back- P

Night, wise girl x - P

~Starting to feel the percabeth yet? I know I am. But for how long....

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