Chapter 37

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Percy's POV

To wake up with Annabeth curled into my back, her forehead pressing  softly between my shoulder blades, was an improvement to say the least. It's not like a small part of me didn't see this coming. In fact, it was that I so pathetically clung to for the best part of two months. Pathetic was definitely a word attributed to my behaviour during that time. Piper used it extensively, at least once a day. I actually felt a little guilty at the thought of Piper. Out of all my new found friends she had been there for me the most. She gave up time with Jason to make sure I was okay, she kept me distracted when all I wanted to do was think about the blonde absence and she did all that with practically no complaint.  All she wanted with her suggestion for me and Annabeth to stay friends was to make sure we were both, well, stable before jumping back into anything. A small nagging feeling told me that maybe we should have listened to Piper, she generally knew her stuff when it came to this kind of crap. The suggestion was quickly pushed to the back of my mind, however, as Annabeth spoke, her breath warming my back. 

"I know you're awake, Percy. What'cha thinking about?" She propped herself up on her elbow and gently laid a hand on my shoulder. I turned onto my back and stared up at her. She really was beautiful. 

"Nothing really, just Piper." Her smile faltered slightly at my admittedly dumb answer. 

"Smooth. Because every girl wants to hear you're thinking about their best friend whilst you're in bed with them." She dropped off her elbow and onto her back. I really hadn't thought about how my answer had sounded. I sat up hurriedly.

"Shit, no not like that! Gross, no I just meant," If I told Annabeth what I'd been thinking, it sounded like I was regretting my choice, which I absolutely didn't. At that point, it still felt as though things weren't quite certain between us yet and the smallest thing could tip the balance either way. I didn't want to take the risk. "I just meant I was wondering if she'd be at the park with Jason today. That is it."

Her face lit up in a grin. "I'm just messing with you, Perce. I was wondering the same thing actually. Do you think she'll be mad with us?" 

"Honestly, no. I reckon she'll act like she is but she'll really be fangirling like hell on the inside." I dropped back down and turned on my side, facing Annabeth. "And I thought I was your best friend anyway." 

She rolled her eyes and pressed her lips against mine as a way of reply. "You're both my best friend. Speaking of best friends shouldn't we be off soon to meet yours?" 

Her eyebrow raised in a way that told me I didn't get a choice in the matter. Grimacing, I yanked back the covers, laughing a little as Annabeth hissed at her suddenly exposed legs, stood up and stretched widely. The bed creaked behind me as Annabeth stood, wrapped her arms around my chest and rested her chin on my shoulder. I turned slightly to look at her and was met by her eyes; the deepest grey,  soft and comforting, with a cheeky sparkle gracing the corners of the pupils. 

"You're cute you know, yawning like that," She kissed my jaw softly before her tone turned serious, " I really missed you, you know? I missed the others too, obviously, but you the most." 

I unclasped her hands from my chest and turned to face her. Without saying a word, I pulled her towards me and rested my forehead against hers. After a few minutes I spoke. "I missed you too.  A lot." 

We stayed like that for a while, being completely cringey and staring at each other, occasionally she pressed her lips against mine but nothing more. Until the sounds of my family clattering around just outside my door brought the both of us out the self induced trance and back into the living world. A smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she hopped off the bed and pulled me towards the door by my hand. She paused for a moment to greet Paul and Tyson before dragging my pathetically mesmerised self through to the kitchen.  I was deposited at the counter -still unable to speak due to the stupid smile across my face- as she padded around the kitchen, collecting various ingredients from cupboards as she passed. A small smile was constant on her dusty pink lips as she mixed ingredients into a recognisable batter. 

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