Chapter 9

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Annabeth's POV

I met him behind the gym, just like he said. He was leaning against the wall, his headphones in and his hood up. I noticed a bruise forming on his cheek. I guess Chris, Clarisse's boyfriend, had heard about Percy's little comment earlier. He turned his head to left and grinned when he saw me.

"Hey, so you're not totally ashamed to be seen with me." He removed his headphones but left his hood up. I rolled my eyes and headed towards the exit.

"Come on, if I'm late to get them we'll never get this project done because I will have been murdered." He chuckled, pushed off the wall and followed after me. We walked to the boys' school in near silence, it wasn't awkward though. It wasn't far so we got there in around 5 minutes. Percy held the door for me saying, "Age before beauty."

"Gee thanks." I replied, rolling my eyes. I walked in ahead of him, walking straight to the twin's classroom without looking back. Percy walked in after me, his brother ran straight up to him shouting his name. Percy chuckled and gave him hug. I had a little more trouble.

I walked up to my brothers who completely ignored me.

"Boys, come on. We need to go home now, your mum needs you home."

They laughed and kept playing. Bobby looked up and spoke to Matthew,

"Did you hear anything Matty?" Matthew snickered and shook his head before replying, "Not a thing Bobby. But I do think we should keep playing."

I grabbed Bobby's shoulder and repeated, "Your mum needs you home. Lets go home."

He smiled and replied, "I'm sorry, we don't listen to people who's own mum didn't want them." For a seven year old, he knew just how to upset me. Tears began to fill my eyes. As if I was being made to cry by my little brothers. I turned to see Percy with his arm around his brothers shoulder, a slightly concerned look on his face. He whispered something to his brother and then made his way over to us. He walked straight past me and leant over my brothers, his hands on their shoulders.

"Listen here you little shits, your sister's trying to good thing for you so you don't get in trouble with your mum. So how about you pack away your toys and go home with her right now? And next time she tries to do something nice, you don't speak to her that way. Got it?"

The boys nodded and quickly packed away their toys. As they did, I walked over to Percy and his brother.

"Thanks." I whispered. He smiled and winked at me,

"No problemo." I laughed and the turned my attention to my brothers who were now with us. They both glared at Percy as I held their hands and walked them out of the classroom. As we walked home, the boys chattered about school and Percy softly spoke to his brother quietly. It was surprisingly sweet. We reached my building, I told Percy I'd see him in about ten minutes and walked my brothers upstairs to our apartment. They ran straight to their room mumbling about being tired. It seemed Percy had actually scared them.

I went to my room and changed out of my uncomfortable school clothes and into some leggings and a plain white t-shirt. I them rubbed most of my makeup off, leaving just a bit of mascara, and put my hair up into a ponytail. I would never usually let anyone from school see me like this, but to be honest I was bored of wearing uncomfortable clothes and so much make up I could barely move my face. It felt good to be more like myself again. I shoved some things for the project, including my camera, into a bag, put on my black converse and then walked out the door. It only took a few minutes but I noticed it had got quite a bit colder and looked as if rain was on its way. I made my way up to his apartment and knocked.

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