Chapter 30

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Annabeth's POV

The tension was unbearable from the second Rachel was in the apartment. Percy diffused the stand off in the hallway, whether he realised it or not, but nothing could diffuse what seemed like hatred in the redhead's eyes. But my own eyes flared up as she threw her arms around Percy, who looked a little awkward. After the awkward hug, she just marched into the sitting room and took up the whole sofa. Rude much? She kept glancing up with a slightly smug look on her face, making me feel incredibly awkward. Especially when we started watching the movie. Usually I would have curled right into Percy but I could feel Rachel's glares burning into me. As much as I wanted to, it kind of seemed like a bad move to build even more hostility. I couldn't get a fix on this girl. She constantly switched between lively and excitable to brooding and threatening. I wasn't sure why, but jealousy seemed like a strong bet. From what I'd gathered, her and Percy had never dated so I couldn't understand the reasoning behind her green tinted vision. It was infuriating. Her eyes only seemed to move away from the film to send me a glare or to smile sweetly at Percy, who was oblivious. I had a childish urge to stick my tongue out at her. 

As the film went on, my eyes grew very heavy. It had been a hard day. I really wished Rachel wasn't there. It's not exactly easy to relax when someone was analysing everything I did. But eventually, my eyes did actually shut for what felt like a few seconds. Granted, it wasn't the worst wake up call. It mostly involved whispering and tugging on my hand until I gave in and allowed myself to be dragged through to the hallway. We weren't really talking about anything significant, until I asked about help with my dad. It was really just a sleepy wondering but his response was the highlight of my day.

"I will always help you, Wise girl." 

Just that sentence alone warmed me right to my toes.   I was not prepared for what followed. He cupped my cheek and I knew what was coming. My palms grew gross and clammy and my heart rate picked up speed. My eyes fixed just over his shoulder, onto Rachel's gawping face. Maybe this would stop the glares. He lightly pressed his lips to mine. And all my insides exploded at once. At first, I was frozen. It was finally happening, no interruptions and no hesitations. A slight increase in pressure woke me up from my stupor. My body moved on its own, fingers tangling in his hair, pulling us as close as was physically possible. This was completely different from all the time I'd kissed Luke. This was both comforting and ridiculously hot at the same time. It felt natural and to be perfectly honest, it was an incredible kiss. I shivered as his hands traveled up from my waist, caressing my sides and back before the came to a stop in my hair. I was vaguely aware of a knocking at the door. But it was instantly muted by the pure buzz that came over me as the rhythm of our lips was broken by Percy's teeth nipping at my lower lip a  little. A blush crept into my cheeks and I smiled against his lips. This was worth the wait. Unfortunately, I still needed oxygen to live. I pulled away hesitantly, instantly missing the pressure of his lips against mine. We were both panting a little, I hadn't breathed in around three minutes which is a hell of a long time to be holding your breath. Percy's eyes were bright and  a huge grin split his face. I could feel my own smile threatening to become ridiculously large and tried my best to keep it down. My erratic heart beats were starting to slow before I spoke.

"Rachel is right through there and Piper's been knocking for at least a minute now. I have to go." It came out as a painful whisper. I didn't want to go, not at all. But I desperately needed girl talk and Percy had Rachel sat in the other room. A pang of jealousy shot through me. She knew him so well, they'd been friends for years. Had this very thing happened with them?  I should have asked him, but I didn't want to break the spell.  I stood on my tip toes and lightly pressed a kiss against his surprisingly soft lips before practically running   out of the place. I shut the door tightly behind me, finally letting the ecstatic smile break through. 

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