Chapter 24

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Hazel's POV

I honestly couldn't believe I'd just spent the night in the same bed as Cally. Cally who had made my life hell. Cally who made me feel so out of touch with everyone. And apparently, Cally who snored incredibly loudly. She was still snoring when I woke at half past nine. Piper, too, was asleep but I noticed the covers where Annabeth was were pulled back. I liked Annabeth, she was shockingly kind. Honestly, she was a completely different person at school. She was known as the queen bitch, and rightfully so. It wasn't just because she was drop dead gorgeous, though that was a factor, but more because of the fact it seemed she actually enjoyed making other, often less ridiculously beautiful than herself, people extremely uncomfortable. So it was strange for me to see her outside of school, dressed in casual clothes and without a hard sneer on her face. She'd treated me as more of an equal than usual. It was for that reason I decided to look for her, thinking she'd be lonely as the only one up. But first I needed to pee.

When I was done, the other girls were still dead to the world. I tiptoed out of the room and headed towards the sounds coming front he end of the hall. It sounded like cartoons. That was probably Annabeth. The only sounds coming from the boy's room was loud snoring. Typical. I smiled to myself as I remembered Frank leaning on me during the last film. I liked him. Liked him a lot. I hoped that now Cally had stopped making it her life mission to end me, we may

have a chance to be more than just two people who kissed at a party that one time. Maybe. A smile was still on my face as I walked into the lounge.

"Hey, Annabeth. None of the others are up so...." I trailed off as I realised Annabeth wasn't sat on the sofa. I walked towards it, still confused. My confusion disappeared quickly. Annabeth was on the sofa, but she wasn't alone. Percy's head was leaning on the armrest of sofa, his mouth hung open and a little drool was coming from the corner. His right arm was around Annabeth, his left hand was resting on her exposed waist. Annabeth herself was nestled up against him, her head resting on his bare chest. Wait, bare chest?! My cheeks reddened as I noticed. One of her arms was trailed over his stomach and the other was under her cheek, palm down on his chest. Her left leg was bent up and resting his legs. Both were fast asleep. I stood there for a moment, looking at how happy Annabeth looked. Until it became creepy. I was about to turn away when there was bad news for the two sleeping.

"Well, well, well. 'Just friends'. Yep, mmkay." Leo stood there, a huge grin on his face. Oh shicst.

"Leo, just leave them! They're clearly shattered. No Leo, do not go and get the others. No Leo, don't wake Piper up. Or just completely ignore me." I sighed as he ran out the room to get all the others. They all came through a few minutes later, grumbling and wiping their eyes.

"Oh for gods sake Leo, why the hell did you wake me up?"

"What was so important you had to physically pull me out of bed?"

"I was so asleep."

All the complaining stopped as they noticed the sleeping figures. Piper's eyes lit up, Jason started smirking, the Stolls started laughing and Leo held his hands out as if he were presenting them. The stolls moved to wake them but Piper stopped them.

"Wait, wait. I have an idea first." She ran out the room and came back holding her phone and a camera. She snapped a few pictures then grinned and gave a thumbs up. The stolls moved to attack but they were stopped again.

"Hold it. It'll be funnier to wake them up slowly, that way they'll slowly realise we're here and it'll be much better." Nico appeared from the doorway, closely followed by Will. He picked up the remote and turned up the volume until they started to stir. We stood expectantly at the end of the sofa. Annabeth stirred a little, her eyes flickered but then she just snuggled back down and shut her eyes. Leo groaned.

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