Chapter 26

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I just want to point out that Reyna uses some homophobic slurs in this chapter but absolutely nothing she says are my views at all. Just a part of the story.

Annabeth's POV

Percy wasn't at school the next day. Or the next. Or the next. He hadn't replied to my texts, he hadn't picked up when I called and no one had heard from him. Being the over dramatic fool I was, I instantly assumed it was due to what happened the night before. Obviously nothing terrifying had happened, but I was worried I'd pressured him too much by making him meet everyone or freaked him out by kissing him, even if it was just on the cheek. Nico hadn't heard from him either, the two of us were getting worried.

 I had noticed him and Will had been spending a lot more time together. Like, a lot more. Every time I saw one of them now they were always together. At school, on the way home, at the park. Of course rumours were already flying, mostly due to my other friends and that idiot Ethan. With every new rumour and every bitchy comment I found myself hating both them and myself that little bit more. How did I miss the malicious way the girls conducted themselves? How did I ever believe the things I was saying were just 'banter'? I was truly ashamed. Piper didn't have the same problem, she'd barely been in the group. But I was the ring leader of the whole thing! Key word there being was. Since I'd started to develop a conscience Drew and Reyna had decided to fight it out for top spot. They were even nice enough to come and tell me.

"Hey so Annabeth, we've decided that you can't be our leader anymore." Drew's voice was loud and clear. They obviously wanted a show out of it.

"I was never your 'leader' in the first place. The only reason you wanted anything to do with me is because I dated that pig, Luke. I was never really one of you." I  actually laughed at them, causing Drew's face to turn very dark. Reyna pushed her way past Drew until she was face to face with me.

"Look, I don't know what's come over you recently. But don't you dare try and make out like you're so high and mighty, you're as much of a bitch as the rest of us and don't  ever forget that. Yeah, Luke made you popular but you did all the hard work. You're the one that spread rumours like they were fricking butter. You're the one that sent people's ugly selfies to the group chat. You're the one that enjoyed it every time some nerd, freak or faggot ran home crying because of something you had said. Don't forget that." An ugly smirk came to her lips. I had no words. She was absolutely 100% spot on. That had all been me. I could feel the tears stinging my eyes. A look of achievement crossed her face. She knew she'd hit home. 

"Hey, hey, hey. Please tell me I did not just hear you use that disgusting word? Because as a human being I am personally offended." My heart skipped as I heard the playful tone. I was sure it was Percy. I was met with Leo with a cheesy grin, though his eyes were dark and actually quite terrifying. As pleased as I was that Leo was there, my heart did drop  little. Percy was still gone. 

"Fuck off, Leo. This has nothing to do with you. We're just here to tell little Annie here that she's not welcome with us anymore. And come to think of it, you can tell your little girlfriend the same thing. She's good for a bit of a bitch but when it comes down to it her taste  in boys is just below the bar." She smiled back innocently. Her face fell a little when she realised that Leo didn't give a shit. 

"Aw honey, at least she has a choice of boys. She doesn't have to go for the resident pervert any time she wants a bit of fun. And I'm pretty sure that by using that awful slur you've pretty much closed the door on any possible relationships with any of the jocks, all of whom has a close friend who is in fact gay." He turned to me, "Come along, dearest Annabeth." 

He stuck out his arm which I took and walked down the corridor, ignoring the shocked looks and Drew's call of "We can make your lives hell you know!", to which I replied with the finger. After we'd corner I erupted in laughter. 

"Leo, that was awesome! I fucking love you!" I hugged him. He grinned back sheepishly.

"Woah, less of the love. Do I want Percy coming after my ass? No, I absolutely do not. Speaking of the greek god himself,  where's he been? No ones seen him since Saturday." His expression turned from joking to  a little worried. I shrugged.

"I don't know. Like you said, no one's heard from him." I looked down. I was really worried about him. The bell rang, indicating that it was time for gym. Oh joy. "I'll see you later. And tell Cally I'm sorry I got her kicked out."

He shook his head. "Nah, don't panic about it. She won't be bothered. You can always hang with us you know? We have a strict no bitching rule." 

I laughed, "Thanks Leo, I'll let you know if I hear  from Percy." He raised his hand as a goodbye and walked away. Despite the things they'd said, I was kind of glad they'd kicked me out. It was like they'd given me a get out of jail free card. 

Considering the conversation I'd just had, I was in a surprisingly good mood when I got to gym. I found Piper quickly and told her what had happened. She was not particularly happy.

"Great, so we're dead. Well, it was nice knowing you. I'll see you in hell." She walked away from me quickly. Gods she was over dramatic. 

"Alright Pipes, chill out. They didn't say anything about you, just me and Cally. You're fine to stay." I pulled her to face me, she rolled her eyes. 

"Well obviously I'm not staying there if you're gone am I? Drew hates me!" She practically screamed the last sentence, drawing a lot of  attention. I shushed her and pulled her away from the crowded bleachers and into the changing room. 

"Okay Drama Queen, calm yourself! Come on, lets get changed." I rolled my eyes and led her towards our lockers. It wasn't a free day so we were forced into dodge-ball with everyone. Piper and I were put on different teams so we didn't get another chance to talk. Instead my time was filled with dodging the missile that suspiciously were only being aimed in my direction. Of course the one time the Barbies were interested in sports was when they could inflict some pain. But I was on fire, dodging left, right and center. Not one of the balls even came close to me. 

I took a second to look around at my team. There were five of us left. Reyna threw a ball. Down to four. Bam, Luke took down Justin leaving three on my team. Jason grabbed a ball and slammed it into the pig's stomach,  effectively ending his cocky smile. Piper squealed a little but it was soon ended by a ball smacking her on the arm. She turned to glare at me. I smiled sweetly. What? I was really competitive. Blam. Hazel's ball hit Frank in the side of the head leaving me and Jason versus Hazel and Reyna. Hazel grinned at me and in return I did the whole 'I'm watching you' charade. Reyna had a hard sneer on her face when she looked at me, though her face noticeably softened when she glanced at Jason.  Well, not on my watch. I raised my arm to throw the ball at Reyna.

 I swear the moment went in slow motion. I raised my arm. Reyna's face fell. Hazel moved away from Reyna. Piper cheered. And then the door swung open. I turned, distracted by whoever had just interrupted my amazing victory. Nico stood at the door. His face was even paler than usual. He only said one word.


And then the ball hit me in the head.

~But what about Tyson? Where's Percy been all week? Ah well, you'll see soon enough. I feel so unbelievably evil rn. But I wanted some suspense, you know? plus i'm not 100% sure how this whole thing's gonna play out just yet. That's why this chapter was a little short. Anyways, who's freaking out about Trials of Apollo? I know I am. 

See you laters alligators

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