Chapter 1

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Percy's POV

Beep beep beep

I groaned as my alarm screamed at me to get up. Without really looking, I slammed my palm against the bedside table until the stupid thing stopped, leaving me to sleep away the day in peace. Or, sleep in peace for five minutes until my mum came in to wake me.

"Percy, I know school sucks but you have to go. Sleeping's good and all but it won't help you get a job." She shook my shoulders gently to wake me.

I grunted in reply. She laughed and went to make breakfast while I got dressed. Honestly, I hated school and everything about it so I usually tried my best to blend in to the background. This meant I was pretty limited in clothes I could wear. That day I went for plain black kinda skinny jeans and a green t-shirt. To make sure I really gave off an 'I hate you, don't look at me, don't speak to me' vibe, I paired it with a plain black hoodie. After deciding I wouldn't stand out at all, I wandered into the kitchen, following the amazing smell of pancakes that I knew would be blue.

My mum left for work after making my pancakes so I was left alone to eat in silence. They were delicious but the idea of going to school put me off. Everyday I made up my mind to just stay at home and not bother. And then everyday I imagined my mums look of disappointment when she realised I hadn't been. She was the only reason I did anything worthwhile, letting her down after everything she had given up for me was not an option. With this in mind, I cleared my stuff away, grabbed my bag and left the apartment.

It was a short walk to school but I was determined to make it last as long as possible. Why would I want to get to school early? So I walked slowly, looking on every shop window I passed and taking my sweet time to cross every street. But eventually my personal hell came into view. Goode high school. I'm not going to lie, the place was pretty nice. Huge gym, large pool and (even though it wasn't really my thing) literally hundreds of top of the range laptops. But none of that could make up for the bitches and asses that went to the school or the useless work we were set. Inwardly groaning, I walked up the steps towards the gates.

I immediately regretted taking so long to walk. If I had walked slightly faster there's a good chance I would have missed bumping into them. Them being a large group of the before mentioned bitches that thought they owned the school and everyone inside it. Its not like they bullied me or anything (please, I can take care of myself) but they were still the most irritating, selfish and immature people I had ever met. They were all up their own arses. I pulled my hood a little further up, shadowing my face, and strolled past with a 'idgaf' manner. They might not have physically hurt me very often, but that didn't stop them shouting pathetic insults every time I walked past.

"Hey, emo. Where's your mates? Oh yeah, I forgot you don't have any."

" Oi, read this for me. Oh wait, you cant even fucking read."

"Where's your Dad? That's right, even your own Dad didn't want your ugly mug."

These were all followed by hysterical laughter. To be honest I was insulted, I'd known them for years and still they couldn't come up with any original insults. I mean come on, if your going to insult me, at least swap it up a bit. Laughing at their way overused jokes, I made my way inside. I headed straight for my locker, praying she wouldn't be there. Apparently, the universe hated me. I turned the corner to my locker and oh joy there she was, surrounded by her posse of underdressed barbie dolls. And at the centre of the choking perfume and orange foundation was the queen bitch herself. Miss Annabeth Chase.

~Kind of a cliffhanger? Idk really. I think this is kinda different from the other like percabeth at high school things I've read so I wanted to see what people thought. Also I'm British so some of the things they say may be pretty British plus I have like no clue about American high schools etc. so if anything's wrong/doesn't make sense I am sorry.

See you laters alligators

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