Chapter 20

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Percy's POV

I needed to get a grip over myself, I was being way to obvious with this whole crush thing. She must have caught me staring at least twenty times. Lets just say, subtlety was not a strong point of mine. I didn't even want to think about the fact that I had actually hit Luke while defending her. Not that I regretted it, he absolutely had what was coming to him. But the whole thing literally screamed 'I have a desperate, hopeless, crazy big crush on you.' Especially when I bitched him out for saying she isn't special. Gods, I was such a useless starfish at that moment. I relaxed a little once the pizza arrived.

We were all just chilling, eating the delicious Italian delicacy. Annabeth was sat close to me, much closer than the others were. It was weird. We kept sharing these looks the whole time. I was super relaxed though, considering most of the people there were people who's guts I hated a week ago. I was having one of those looks with Annabeth again. She smiled at me, eyes scrunching up around the corners. She was beautiful. I felt a blush rise in my cheeks which she silently laughed at. It was a nice moment.

Until Leo decided to go full douchebag and suggested we played truth or dare.

Seriously. Was he trying to turn this night into a cheesy, teenage rom-com? Plus, truth or dare is always a bad idea if you're playing with the Stolls. Somehow though, we still ended up with playing.

"Okay guys, as creator of this game I have decided that there shall be no "7 minutes in heaven" dares as they are a dare for vaginas. I decree that Jason will begin this epic game. Jason, truth or dare?"

Jason looked around nervously and swallowed hard. "Um, truth?"

He had every right to be nervous as Leo smiled evilly. "Don't think that's an easy escape. But, aa its the first go, I'll start with an easy one. Are you a virgin?"

I laughed loudly, earning a glare from Jason. Hazel's face had turned a deep shade of red and her eyes were wide. She was clearly more innocent than the rest of us.

"Okay, technically, yes I am. Thank you for that Leo. Okay, Nico, truth or dare?"

Now it was Nico's turn to be nervous. To be fair to him though, he had a lot more to hide than anyone else. He looked relieved when Leo interrupted.

"We interrupt this programme to take a survey. Sorry guys but I don't want the same question like 8 times and I'm curious. Please raise your hands if you have lost said virginity."

Well, shit. I raised my hand, knowing I was blushing as I did it. The other sinners were Piper, both The Stolls, Nico, Cally, Will and surprisingly Frank.

"Frank? You dark horse you, I would have never guessed." I noticed everyone was also looking a little shocked at me.

"What? What can I say, its my natural allure." I grinned as the others burst out laughing. Except Annabeth, she was very quiet.

"I'm going to get a drink while you freaks keep playing. Will you come with me?" I directed the question at Annabeth who nodded and walked towards the kitchen. I ignored the smirks and raised eyebrows and followed her out.

We could still hear the others laughing and playing from the kitchen so I shut the door. Okay, there was definitely something up. She was just stood there, leaning against the counter and staring at the floor. Her eyes flicked up as I walked towards her and she smiled a little. 

"Hey, what's up? You don't seem very Annabethy at the moment and its scaring me a little." She smiled again as I said that.

"Its nothing, Percy. Honestly I'm fine, just felt a bit ill." I knew that was not full story, she was not a great liar. But she was clearly upset so I let it slide.

"Well, we can stay in here for a bit then, if you feel ill. To be honest, I wouldn't mind hiding out here until everybody forgets the fact that I just admitted to losing my virginity." She laughed at that and relaxed a little more.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Who would have thought, the quiet weirdo at the back of class. I think we both know you need to tell me this story." She grinned up at me and I am not even lying my heart melted. 

"Me, a weirdo? Nah must be someone else you're thinking of. Anyway, you want to hear the story you can hear the story. Jump up." I patted the counter next to me. She raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms as she shook her head.

"Fine, I guess you'll need a little help." Before she could react, I grabbed her waist and picked her up, ignoring her kicking and squealing. I sat her onto the counter top and grinned at her. Her arms were crossed and her eyebrows were scrunched together. Her bottom lip was jutting out, creating the cutest pouty face ever known to mankind.

I poked her lip. "Someone's grumpy."

She scowled even harder. "Shut up and tell the story Jackson."

I laughed but did what she said. "Okay so it was just over a year ago. I was at this party, the last party I ever went to by the way, and I was drinking. I mean I was drinking a lot. I could barely even remember the night and I only remembered the girl a few days afterwards. I was just stood on the edge of the party when a girl came and asked me to dance. I was pretty hammered already so I agreed. Next thing I know, we're upstairs and well, you know. A pretty dull story if you ask me."

Annabeth giggled to herself. I was confused. "What are you laughing at? There were no funny parts of that story."

She shook her head. "It was something else that I thought of. You, Perseus Jackson, are a man slut."

And with that, she burst into full laughter. I acted annoyed but when she wasn't looking I couldn't help but smile. She was gorgeous when she laughed. She looked up and I quickly turned my face back to an annoyed scowl.

"Look who's grumpy now." I kept my face straight.

"Come on Percy, don't be a baby. Nothing wrong with being a slut." She giggled and shuffled closer to me. I crossed my arms and turned my back on her. There was a smile on my face though. It grew wider as she put her arms around me, sticking her hands in my hoodie pockets as she did.Shuffled forward a little more and rested her chin on my shoulder.

"Peeercy, I hate it when you do this! I know you're not really annoyed." She never took her head from my shoulder as she spoke.

I grinned. "Okay. You got me, I'm not really annoyed. But I am enjoying this." Why the hell did I say that? Oh gods, I couldn't see her face but I was convinced it would be awkward. Again, I was wrong. Her arms around me tightened. I turned so I was facing her. I swear I was just on automatic, I wasn't even thinking. My hands were placed either side of her legs. She was gripping my hoodie. I was suddenly very aware of the lack of distance between us. Annabeth bit her lip and I swear I died. Unconsciously, both of us started to lean in a little.

Until a shout from next door pulled us back to the fact that we had been gone a while.

"Guys, you can't just hide in there forever! Come and play!" I jerked my head back and Annabeth did the same. She was blushing and wouldn't meet my eyes. I helped her hop down  from the counter and went to open the door. Her hand shot out and stopped me. She stood on her tip toes.

"I was enjoying it too." Her breath tickled my ear and the hand that was on my chest made my heart beat around five thousand miles per hour. I didn't think it could get any faster. Until she turned her head slightly and lightly kissed my jaw. My heart literally exploded, I was sure she heard it. She stood there for a moment staring at me, her hand was still cupping my cheek. Then, she shook her head slightly and smiled. She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the living room, despite my still dazed face.

"Come on, we have a game to play."

~Okay so this was hella short but I have a butt load of homework to do and yeah. Also I'll be perfectly honest with you I'm not sure where I'm going with this. So any ideas would be brilliant. Okay anyways.

see you laters alligators

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