Chapter 36

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Annabeth's POV

I will never give up on you. - P

Those seven words were read and re-read hundreds, thousands of times as I carried out my self inflicted solitude. Each time brought out a unique emotion. Sometimes it would be hope, that pure optimism that everything would sort itself out, that Percy and the others would forgive me and welcome me back. Often it was longing, the feeling of wanting something so badly you ache, wanting to see any other words on that screen  below Percy's name. Occasionally it was resentment, a burning of anger and confusion.  I wanted Percy to give up but I absolutely didn't at the same time. 

Eventually the buzz around my mommy issues died down, which unfortunately brought Nico and Will's secret straight into the limelight. The school halls were filled with whispered jokes, petty comments and vulgar, homophobic slurs that brought bile to the back of my throat. Those who dared to use such disgusting words were quickly dealt with though, by either myself, Percy or Jason. After a few weeks the homophobes were gone, replaced by split lips and black eyes. Nico was never alone, he was constantly surrounded by Will and the others, after an incident between classes left him with a bloody lip and purplish bruising across his face. From what I could gather, Nico refused to tell who it was but Luke and his friends arrived the next day with cut up knuckles and smug grins. Needless to say, their good mood was put to a swift and painful stop. All of this had to be watched from a distance for me. I wanted to be there for Nico and Will, I wanted to join in the high fives when the next bigot went down, I wanted to just exist to them again. But that was impossible. It was me who had caused this, something that was painfully obvious to me. I couldn't just waltz back up to them, I'd ruined too much. 

Piper made it most clear, especially on Nico's birthday. I was sat on the table that Percy used to claim, right in the corner and almost completely empty, watching Nico open his presents. Even from across the lunch hall, I could hear their loud laughter at his constant blush. The only good thing to come of my big mouth was Nico's new found comfort with Will around the others; he no longer hesitated to take Will's hand, even pulling him into a hug when he opened the surprise present from him which I later found out was a photo frame with a selfie from their concert in it. Will pressed a kiss to Nico's temple, bringing about a chorus of "awwws". I nearly joined in myself before realising even the exchange student sharing my table would find that weird. Instead, I allowed myself to enjoy their happiness as Percy excitedly passed a shoddily wrapped box over the table, grinning wildly as Nico opened it to reveal the  boots and t-shirts  I had suggested. Without realising a large grin had taken over my face, mostly at Nico's happiness but also due to Percy. He caught my eye across the tables and gave me his usual trouble maker grin.

He turned back to Nico afterwards, as if he'd never looked my way. Piper knew though. Her expression was a stark contrast to everyone else on the table. Her usually kaleidoscope eyes were dark in a way I'd never seen them before. With a slight, almost non-existent shake of the head she sent a clear "back the fuck off" message. I didn't argue with that. All of them had reason to hate me, but I felt the worst about Piper. She had been there for  me when I needed a place to stay and when I needed a friend, despite the fact that it put her neck on the line. And I threw it back in her face. I deserved the same. 

Either God hated me or there was a serious case of mind reading going on as the second I stood and turned away, a suspiciously accurate projectile flew through the air and made direct contact with my face. This particular weapon just so happened to be a full milkshake. Not surprisingly, the cup emptied. The refreshment dripped down from my eyebrows to my chest, leaving a cold and slimy trail behind it. This whole incident played out with the wonderful backing track of laughter and mocking, causing an embarrassed blush to appear across my face. I could feel tears welling in my eyes (purely because the milkshake stung them, of course) so I calmly picked up my bag and left the hall with at least a small shred of dignity. I expected to see expressions of laughter as I passed the table but all of them seemed sombre and even a little guilty. I automatically assumed this was because one of them had thrown the drink. The thought brought more tears, overflowing my eyes so a few brimmed over and hit my cheeks. I made a direct beeline to the toilets, silently begging they would be empty. 

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