Chapter 13

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Annabeth's POV

"I said, let her go." The voice wasn't particularly deep but it had a dangerous, sharp edge to it. I turned to see a dark haired, olive skinned boy step out from the shadows. I recognised him as Nico Di Angelo, I thought he was a year younger than me but I wasn't sure. He was fairly tall for his age and also surprisingly muscular in a tall, gangly kind of way. He was wearing black jeans, a black t-shirt with a silver skull ring in his right hand. His eyes were almost black with anger as ge stared Luke down.

"Ha! Move along kid, this has nothing to do with you." I instantly knew it was a mistake to laugh at this kid. Nico turned his head to the left slightly, smiling humourlessly. In two short steps he was next to Luke, his hand gripping Luke's shoulder. In shock, Luke released my wrist and turned to face Nico. I scurried back a few steps, clutching my wrist. Suddenly, Luke threw a punch at Nico's face. I was about to scream at Luke for hurting him when I realised the punch never met its target. My jaw dropped in shock as I realised his fist had been caught in middair, inches away from Nico's face.

"You shouldn't have done that." Luke's face drained of colour at his words. Before I had time to register what was happening, Nico's fist connected with his stomach and Luke was on the floor, lying on his side and clutching his stomach.

My mouth was hanging open. Nico turned to me and in a soft voice that didn't seem to match what I had just seen, he asked "Are you okay? I'm going to walk you to your next class."

I nodded, my words were still lost. I had no idea why this stranger had protected me from gods know what, I was unbelievably grateful. As we approached my next class I spoke up,

"Thank you so much Nico, I was honestly terrified. I don't know what he would have done if you hadn't come along." Nico smiled a little awkwardly in a way that oddly reminded me of Percy.

"Yeah well, he's a dick. And you seem decent, not like some of the people I see you with. Plus you a great taste in bands, I actually have that t-shirt. I love My Chemical Romance. Anyways, I'll see you later." At that, he turned and almost seemed to melt into the shadows. It was odd how much he reminded me off Percy. I'd ask him about it later.

I walked into my class in a complete daze. I sat at the back on my own, not really wanting to talk to anyone. I was still a little shaken up. I think the class was math but I wasn't really sure to be honest. The bell went and I left without saying a word. Piper caught me after, ready to go to lunch. Reluctantly, I told her what happened with Luke and Nico. After the story, she pulled me into a tight hug after using some very strong curse words to describe Luke. We sat and ate for a while but I really just wanted to go and read. I told Piper I needed to use the Library and made my way out the cafeteria.

I smiled at the librarian as I walked in but she returned it with a glare. I grabbed a book on architecture, not really bothered about the title, and made my way to the comfy chairs at the back of the library. I turned the corner and saw a mop of jet black hair. My stomach did somersaults. I laid my book down on the table and slowly approached him, he had his earphones in so he didn't see me coming. I walked up behind him and plucked them out his ears and laughed as he whipped around, rage in his eyes and then as his face softened into a grin. I smiled back at him. His face turned concerned.

"Are you okay? Nico told me what happened today."

"Yeah, just a bit shaken up. How do you know Nico?" He reached up and scratched his neck, he looked as if he was considering something.

" Oh right, yeah, Nico's my cousin. He's pretty cool. Hey, uh, actually nevermind..."

I rolled my eyes, "Come on, spit it out! Are you okay?"

His expression seemed to harden but then it softened again, "Yeah I'm fine, just a little angry at that prick. I'm worried I'll do something that would probably not be good for his face." He laughed a little at the last bit.

I don't know why I did it, but I stepped forwards and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him.into a hug. Gods he was tall. He hesitated for a moment, but then relaxed and curled his arms around my waist, stooping a little so he could reach.

"Don't be angry, its done now and nothing happened, please don't get yourself into shit because of him" I mumbled. He laughed a little but said nothing. It was oddly comforting, hugging Percy. I felt better than I had all day and I'd only seen him for a few minutes. Reluctantly, I pulled back. I wasn't sure, but I could have sworn I saw a look of sadness flash through his eyes.

"Promise you won't do anything to him?" He pouted a little but made a cross over his heart, signalling that he promised.

"I wasn't kidding before, this look is truly working. I'm liking the jeans." He blushed slightly as he gave the compliments, as did I.

"Yeah well, I was in a rush this morning. Didn't have my usual wardrobe with me." He raised his eyebrows but I shook my head.

"Well, I personally prefer this by like 100% more. And the no make up, you honestly don't need it, like at all. And you should have your hair up and curly more often. It looks awesome. And more, you know, human. You look ace." He blush deepened as the words tumbled out, like he couldn't stop them. Once he'd finished, he did that awkward scratch of the neck thing and looked extremely embarrassed.

"Well, I personally prefer you with your piercings in, and with the whole look. Now that's awesome." His eyes widened as though he wasn't used to compliments. The bell went and i'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little sad.

"You want your hoodie back?" I asked, though I didn't want to give it up. Instead of answering, he pulled me into a quick, bonecrushing hug and then ran off shouting,

"You keep it for a bit. I'll see you in gym!"

~This kind of sucked but I was just super tired so yeahhh. Sorrry about that guyyyyss....

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