Chapter 11

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I didn't see Heather or Ethan this morning nor for the rest of the day. I overheard some of Heather's friends talk about Heather telling them that she and Ethan were going to skip the next two days of class... So it was true. He was going to "accompany" her for the next four days. Why should I be jealous? It wasn't like he was my boyfriend (but, it felt like he was mine). Maybe this was a good thing, I thought. Maybe this was a sign that this whole thing was going to end. No more sneakiness, no more stealing glances at each other, and no more randomly coming to my house because HE wanted to. I mean that would definitely be good. There would be no more us...whatever we were. This was a great thing! Of course it was, was it?

Friday flew by quickly. See, this was a great thing. I didn't have to worry about anything but the class lessons. And even greater, no crazy Heather giving death stares... this was wonderful! I lied to myself.

This was the slowest day of the week. I couldn't stop checking my phone all day to see if he would maybe send a text, but of course, I was just crazy to think he would text me while he was probably having a beautiful time with Heather. When the end of the day bell rang, I walked out the class as fast as I could. Faster than I have ever in my 3 and a half years of high school. I thought if I got to work as soon as possible I could get my mind off of him.

Of course that only worked for awhile. With his friends coming through cafe, my mind went carelessly back to him. That's how my night ended...with thoughts of him until I cried to sleep. What have I done to myself?

I tried to keep myself busy over the weekend. I busied myself with homework, videos, movies, and even DIYs. None of which turned out that great, but it definitely kept my mind off of him for a while with frustration trying to perfect the projects. I finally reached the night of Sunday...will I see them on Monday? I wondered as I slowly fell asleep.

I saw Heather at school the next day. She was laughing with her friends, looking so happy. Probably talking about all the things she did with Ethan. But, he wasn't here and for the next couple of days. Why was he gone for so long? He has never been gone for this long...

However, being his girlfriend, Heather knew everything. On Thursday, I was packing my materials when...

"I'm visiting him tomorrow," Heather told her friends. "My dad's been taking care of him for awhile, and I miss him so he's letting me visit. He's been working extremely hard. I'm going to go give him some support," she said, fixing her chest up, making her friends laugh.

I miss him too, I thought. I didn't want to hear anymore. I threw my stuff into my bag and hurried out the door.

At home, I thought about what Heather said about her dad taking care off him. Baseball training camp. Her dad owns a center and Ethan has been working his butt off to get a scholarship. He was so passionate and hardworking, I saw it all too well through his eyes. I loved his determination to get what he wants. He definitely deserved it, if he got it. Loved. Did I just really say that? No I didn't..I mean that's not what I meant at all. I think? No. Forget it. I kept telling myself. Its been a week, and not a single text. He doesn't care, so why should I? I let it go and went to bed.

Friday and Saturday passed by quickly. I occupied myself with so many things, and this time it worked. It was Saturday night. My mom was out of town again for work-related things. It was fine, I could take care of myself. I knew how busy she was, and I didn't mind because it was all to make sure I had everything I needed. I was cooking myself a small dinner when I heard the door bell ring. Who was ringing my door bell this late? No one ever visited us this late. I wasn't sure if I should be too safe or not, and so I grabbed a small tool from one of the drawers. I was holding the tool behind my back as I walked towards the door. Slowly opening it, the tool slipped from my hand as I saw who it was. Sh*t. He stood there with his perfect pearly white smile. Why does he always do this?

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