Update++Chapter 32

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Hi everyone! I'm back~ It's been a long time, hasn't it? To start, I want to apologize for not updating for the past few months. You guys have been such great supporters and followers and I let you down. I 'm sorry for not giving you guys a reason for the sudden hiatus and long break.  I just had a lot going on and wanted to later apologize when I could repay you guys with another chapter. It turned out to be longer than I expected so I'm really sorry! :( For those who waited generously, thank you so much. For those who made up rumors about death?... Death isn't something to joke about that's why I had to finally at least post up a little message on my profile, but I guess that's my fault partially for leaving you guys hanging. Any who, I'm finally on summer break and have time to update now. I can't promise a fluid update, but I'll try my best to finish this story. I really want to give you guys an ending at least. I love you guys~ and I hope you guys can continue to finish this book. <3 

For those who may have forgotten what happened: 

Lucille went to Ethan's baseball game with April. There, Theo asked to meet with her. They met after the game. Theo physically hurt Lucille and Ethan saw (Heather brought him to the scene). Ethan beats Theo and they fight. The fight is stopped by side people. Lucille takes Ethan back to her house and cleans up his wound and they have a lovey-dovey moment :)) [[If that didn't help, my apologies. It wouldn't hurt to read the story again:)) ]]


Lucille's POV

After school on Monday, Ethan was in the principal's office and I was waiting for him outside. Someone took a video of the fight between Ethan and Theo and apparently got back to the whole school. I was nervous. Was he going to get in trouble? Would it be my fault if he can't get his scholarship? I kept playing with my hands when the principal's door suddenly opened. It surprised me. I looked up and saw the principal pat Ethan's shoulders. Ethan looked at me and softly smiled. 

"C'mon" he reached his hand out. The principal closed his door. 

"How'd it go?" I asked, worriedly. 

"You're gonna leave me hanging?" he joked. 


He nodded towards his lonely hand. I was still worried, but I took it. He tightened his hand around mine and we walked out. I stared at the ground. I didn't want to look him in the face. I felt his thumb rub my hand and I looked back up at him. 

"You're not in trouble, are you? It won't affect your scholarship, will it?" I asked, scared to hear the answer.

He shook his head.

"No, I'm not in trouble. And yes, my scholarship is okay" he chuckled. 

I sighed in relief, but scrunched up my face.

"How could you laugh so easily? God, it's all my fault"

"For being so beautiful? Nah, you might have to blame your mother for that" he said, as he grabbed my cheeks. I lightly hit him. 

"Ethan, this serious" I looked up at him. 

"And Lucille, I would protect you again in a heartbeat if I had to" 

"But, your scholarship... if this was more serious, you might have lost it" I felt so sorry.

"My scholarship is fine. I'm fine. We're fine. Everything is fine..." he kissed my forehead. I leaned in. 

"I hope so..." I whispered.

We went back to my house. I put the keys into the keyhole and heard my mother's voice when I pulled the keys out. 

"Lucille." Oh shoot.

"Mom..." My eyes were wide open.

"Please explain this to me" She put her phone in front of me with Ethan and Theo's fighting video.

"M--" Nothing came out.

"You're in here? And Ethan?" 

I quickly looked towards Ethan. His hands were on my waist. 


"Yes, I'm your mother. Don't you think I had a right to know about any of this?"

"Ms. James--"

"Ethan, I'm sorry, but this is a matter between mother and daughter. I would be appreciate it if you could leave us alone" 

"Lucille was not involved in the video.." Ethan continued to say.

"Oh really? Cause I could clearly see her standing and yelling for you boys to stop!" she shoved her phone towards us. "So Mr. Collins, I repeat, I would appreciate it if you could leave us alone right now" she spoke sternly.

"B-" Ethan tried to speak again.

"Ethan, its okay" I cut him off. "Just go, I'll see you later"

He hesitated, but I gave a reassuring smile. He nodded and walked out the door. I turned back to my mom. 

"I could explain"

"Please do!" she said, angrily.

"Theo was hurting me, so Ethan just tried to help me"

"Oh that Ethan?" she pointed towards the door. "I would believe you more if you said Theo was defending you! Isn't Ethan the same one that made you cry a couple weeks ago? The reason you locked yourself up in your bedroom in a pile of tears?"

"He's different now. That time..."

"What? That time was different? He didn't mean to hurt you? Oh Lucille honey, I did not raise you to be this dumb. He hurt you once, of course, he's going to hurt you again"

"Mom, he's not like that"

"Oh really? He isn't?"

"Of course, you wouldn't know" I muttered.



"It was clearly something!"

"I said you wouldn't know!" I yelled.

"Are you yelling at me?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't meant to"

"You obviously did! What is it Luce? He's turning you into a different person! This isn't even like you!"

"No, mom, he's not! He actually knows me! You obviously don't!"


"You're never home, Mom! You said, you'd be home more, but you obviously haven't! You're always out with work! What about me? I'm stuck in this lonely-ass house!"

"That's why I asked April to come down!"

"Well, thanks! I needed April, but I need you more, Mom! For goodness sake, you don't even put your phone down when we eat together!" 

"Lucille, everthing I do is for you. Don't you know that?"

"I do! I do too well!" I grabbed my stuff and began walking towards the door. 

"Where the hell are you going?"

"I don't know, but at least you'll feel how lonely this house is the same way I do!" I said as I slammed the door and ran outside. My eyes were red shot and blurry. I couldn't see properly with the tears. 

I saw Ethan standing by his car. He didn't leave. I ran to him and he hugged me.


"Take me away. Please..."

He nodded.

"Lucille!" I could hear my mom's voice calling towards me, but we quickly got in his car and drove away. 



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