Chapter 31

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Monday: Ethan's POV

I was finally going to end it with Heather. I couldn't bare to have Lucille away from me and to see her hurt anymore. To know she was willing to give up what we have just so I can have my scholarship, it made me realize my true love for her and how much she cared for me. I texted Heather and told her to meet me.

"What is it?"

"I'll make it quick. We're over, Heather," I said without a thought. 

I saw the annoyance and anger in her face.


"I'm not doing this anymore. I'm done. We're done."

"You can't just end this. You know that once I tell my father about this, he will make sure that you never see a day of baseball again!"

"Tell him. Actually, I'd be happy if you did. Do whatever you want. You have been anyways. I'm not doing this anymore," I said calmly before I left.

"Ethan! Come back right now! If you don't, I swear...." Heather shouted. I just continued walking.

Heather's POV

"Ethan ended it! You failed!"

"Doesn't mean I failed. I can still get her. This doesn't mean, you're done either. Just because he ended it, doesn't mean you have to. This is a teamwork, remember?"

Lucille's POV


Ethan texted me in second period. I smiled. I returned it with a smile emoji.

Meet you in the pathway?

Okay, I responded.

"I heard Ethan broke up with Heather?" I heard a girl whisper.

"I know. Poor thing. She seemed pretty pissed off about it," another said.

"I heard it is because of another girl."

"What? No way... who could replace Heather?"

"Exactly!" The girls laughed.

The bell rang, signaling the end of class and start of lunch. I met Ethan in our pathway like we promised, but he wasn't there when I got to it.

"Hungry?" I suddenly heard him say as he walked towards me. I smiled. He was holding a sandwich and chips.

"Just a little..." I said.

He reached me and extended the sandwich to me. I was about to take it, but he suddenly pulled it back. I gave a confused look.

"Ah ah ah...I need a payment," he said.

I tilted my head. 


"My lips are a little dry. Why don't you moisten them for me?" he smirked.

I giggled. I then cleared my throat.

"If that's the case, then I wasn't hungry anyways..." I said, pretending to turn around.

"Wait! Fine, you can have the sandwich," he said in defeat. 

I turned back around and he had a puppy face on. He looked adorable.

"Thank you, kind sir." I grabbed the sandwich. Suddenly, he quickly grabbed my waist and pulled me in by surprise.

"You're welcome, my fine lady," he said before he kissed me. When he pulled away, he was grinning. I lightly hit him and went to sit down on the ground. He sat down in front of me, but then he pulled me so that I was in his lap.

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