Chapter 34

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Lucille's POV

Its dark. I can't see anything. I keep walking, but it doesn't lead me anywhere...just a never ending darkness. Suddenly, plop. I trip on something and fall down onto my knees. My palms pressed into the mushy ground to support me from completely landing on my face. There's no one but me and an eerie feeling creeping up on me. My breathe tightens. What is this? Where am I? I ask myself. My skin shivers. I get more nervous by the second. Suddenly, there's a small sound, but I can't make it out. The sound gets louder and grows into a voice. At first, I can't make out its words, but it continues to speak. I look around me. For help. For anything. Then, the voice speaks louder.

It's all your fault. You ruined his life. Get out of his life. He doesn't need you. You don't deserve him.

I start panicking. What's happening? No, I say. No. The voice just continues. He will never be happy with you. Go away, you freak. The voice gets angry. He hates you! He will always hate you! Then, a light slowly creeps in through the darkness. I squint my eyes and cover my eyes with my arm. Afraid, of what will happen. The light gets brighter. The voice begins to fade, but I could hear the last thing it said... Ethan hates you. The brightness of the light completely fills the room and then I.. wake up.

I open my eyes and gasp. I quickly sit up. The bright sun glares at me, spreading across the entire room. Something moves beside me. I look down to see Ethan... Oh yeah, I thought. We ran away from home and ended up at a hotel last night. I sigh. Everything happened so fast, but he's sleeping so calmly. I thought back to my dream... the voices. Were they right? Did I really ruin his life? I shake the thoughts out of my head and focus back onto Ethan. I lean over him and remove hair out of his face. I stare at his perfect features. His lips that I can kiss all day long. Am I still in a dream that I was unaware of? I would have never imagined sleeping in Ethan's arms and waking up to his handsome face just a few months ago. Now, we were running away together.

I brush my fingers across his lips. He moves. I pull away in surprise. He groans and slowly opens his eyes. He smiles.

"Mm, hey beautiful"

"Sorry, did I wake you?" I say with a nervous smile. He shakes his head.

"No, not at all" he says as he grabs my hand and kisses it.

"I dreamt of you and wanted to see the real thing instead," he said. I blush. "You? Did you sleep well?"

I think back to my dream. Ethan was definitely in it, but it wasn't a dream, more like a nightmare. I couldn't tell him that though.

I just nod my head. He smiles and gets up.

I look over to my phone to check the time. It was about 7am. There were a million miss calls and voicemails from my mom.

"So what should we do today?" Ethan asks. He wraps his arms around me and buries his face into the crook of my neck.

I continue to stare at my phone.

"Maybe, maybe... "

"Hmm?" he leans in closer.

"We should go back" I say, nervously. Ethan pulls away.

"You want to go back?" he says.

I turn to face him.

"I don't know... I mean, we still have school and I'm not even sure what we're doing right now. We don't have a plan...and--" I spoke without a breath.

"Hey, hey!" he firmly holds my shoulder to calm me down. "I know. I know that we don't have a plan, but we're here now, aren't we? Let's just do whatever then. Let's skip school. Let's just enjoy ourselves without a plan. For one day, let me be with you without anyone's judgements. Didn't you say you didn't want to go back home just yet?"

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