Chapter 9

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Next Day
I woke up and like the other times, Ethan was gone. But I received a text this time.
He wrote,
"I'll see you at school today" 😘
It made me blush. I didn't know if I should reply or not, but then I saw the clock and got out of bed. I only had 30 minutes to get ready so I decided not to text him yet.
When I got to school, he wasn't at the lockers with Heather which confused me. Was he practicing again? Then, the bell rang.
I got to first period. For some odd reason, I was really excited to see him. Even though I only had a bit of time to get ready, I still managed to put on some eyeliner and mascara, fill in my eyebrows and throw on some blush. I didn't see him come in, which made me worry, but then at last I saw him come in with his group of friends... With Heather by his side. My heart dropped. Was I jealous? Why would I be? I already knew they were 'together', but this time it hurt. I then looked down. I was so stupid to think he would notice me. He had his own group of friends which is wasn't a part of... I was just a side.. Don't say it Luce don't. I told myself.
The day went by like the other days. He didn't look my way.. He didn't text me.. And I ate lunch in the library. I was being dumb.. Yes, you were being dumb Luce to think he would actually notice you.. I sighed to myself.
After school
I didn't work today so I decided to go home and catch up on some reading. As I got to my door and unlocked it, I felt a pair of hands wrap around me.. I knew who it was right away. It made my heart flutter.
'You smell good,' he said sniffing me. Yes, I also threw on some body spray today. Was I doing too much? I shouldn't have been as happy as I was, but I missed his touch even if it was only a day. I turned around.
He was smirking. 'But, I do like your natural smell more' I looked around and behind him, just in case someone might have seen us. He looked behind him also. ' Worried? ' I shyly looked away. He picked me up and opened the door. After we both got in, he pushed me against the wall and kissed me. 'Don't worry, I checked also.' He smiled against my lips. Then he stopped, 'is your mom home? ' I shook my head. 'Good,' he smiled as he picked me up by my butt and I straddled my legs around his waist and wrapping my hands around his neck. We started making out as he brought me over to the couch. He sat down as I straddled him.
'Oh, I want you so bad' he then started nibbling my neck which gave me a hickey. His hands started rising under my shirt. But then, I caught myself and pulled away. We couldn't do this. He looked confused which made him look really adorable. Looking at him made me smile.
' Not today,' I said. 
' I'm not open today ' I joked with a grin. I got worried as soon as I said that. I started playing with my hands. Was he going to leave? Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. I looked up to him.
He chuckled. 'Darn ' he then dropped his head to my shoulder. 'Even if I do this..' He then started kissing my earlobe and he bit it in a soft way. As he did that, his hand reached to my boobs and he grabbed one and starting squeezing it. I moaned a little. He then came back to my lips and French kissed me with his tongue. But then I pulled away... shaking my head as I smiled at him.
He groaned. ' Fineeeee, you get one pass, but next time I don't care what you say,' he said as he kissed my collarbone. It made me smile. I was acting different today. He was making me smile so much in just 20 minutes. I was still sitting on his lap and his hand still on my waist. We just stared at each other for awhile. He then removed hair from my face which made me blush and him smile.
I then realized I didn't ask him how he knew I didn't work today.
'How did you know I was coming home after school?' I said nervously, playing with my hands. My face has never been this close as I talked to him.
' I have my ways, ' he grinned which made me curious. 'You're cute when you tilt your head ' I didn't know I was doing that. I started blushing. He cupped my face and kissed me. 'Ugh, you sure?' He groaned which made me chuckle. I pecked him on the lip and got up. 'Are you making fun of me? ' he said. I laughed and ran away. He chased after me and caught me. We were in the kitchen 'I'll make you pay for it ' he said
'Is that a threat?' I chuckled
'Could be, might be a gift from me to you ' he flirted and I turned around. He had a huge smirk on his face. I lightly hit him. Suddenly, his cell phone rang. He picked up his phone and went back to the living room. I didn't want to follow him. He might think I'm nosy. I decided to cook something, I was getting hungry.
I decided to make sandwiches for us. As I was putting the sand which together, he came up from behind me and kissed my head. 'My type of girl,' he said.
I smiled. 'Who was that on the phone?' But then I caught what I asked. 'I mean, you don't have to tell me...'
He chuckled. ' Just my mom, we're having a special dinner tonight.'
'Oh...' I wasn't sure if I should ask more. I finished the sandwiches and added some chips and poured us some soda.
We started eating silently..
'This is the best sandwich ever! ' he yelled. It made me smile. Suddenly, he stole some of my chips. 'HEY,' I said jokingly, pretending to be mad. He just smiled. We finally finished the food. He had to text his mom so I finished washing the dishes by myself. I went to the living room where he was after I was done.
'Hey..' he said.
'Hey..' I replied.
' I actually have to leave right now..'

 It broke my heart but I didn't let it show..

'Oh okay..'
'so I'll see you tomorrow okay? ' I nodded and he left. Why couldn't he stay a little bit longer? Why was my heart missing him like this? Oh gosh...

Ethan's POV
My mom wanted to have dinner with Heather's parents tonight. That's why she called. I didn't want to tell Lucille that. It wouldn't have been right. I liked her. It was so wrong of me to use her but it doesn't feel like I was just using her anymore. I enjoyed every moment I saw her and was with her. I wanted to talk to her at school, but everything would just be complicated. I felt sorry for having to ignore her at school. My parents knew Heather's, that's why we're pretty close and that's why I let her stay by my side.. But I honestly don't like her. Oh gosh...

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