Chapter 35

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Wow. I just realized that this book has reached over 8 million reads in a little over half a year. This wouldn't have been possible if not for everyone who has been continuously reading and waiting for the chapters. Thank you so much for being a part of Ethan and Lucille's crazy, roller coaster love. <3 I love you all so so so much :] As a thanks of Happy 8-million reads, here's a long chapter for you all!

*Warning: unedited. May contain a lot of grammatical errors like all my other chapters LOL. Enjoy! :]

Lucille's POV

The atmosphere was awkward as Ethan and I ate breakfast. We were both just poking at our food without actually eating it. 

"I-," we both said at the same time. 

We both laughed, but it was a more like a sad, dreadful laugh. Not a happy one like the ones from last night. 

"You go first" Ethan said. 

I nod and put my fork down. 

"I, This..." I looked up to Ethan. God, why does he look so sexy even when he just stares at me? I shook my head. I had to say it. 

Ethan tilted his head. 

"I think we should go home," I finally said. I took a deep breath and looked up to see Ethan's response. 

"I think so too," he said calmly. I was surprised. I was expecting some kind of objection like yesterday. Something like, No, we can't go yet. If we go back, we won't have this anymore... Without realizing it, there was that bit of hope for that response, but I knew that couldn't happen. We both had to go back. 

"I really don't want to, but what can we do?" Ethan said with a sad look in his face. "Reality, huh?" 

"I hate it." I say. 

"I do too..." 

We both got up. Ethan intertwined his hand with mine's and kissed the top of it. "Let's go..." was the last thing he said before we left the hotel. 

In about 1 hour, we were back home and in front of my house. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to go in with you?" Ethan asked.

I nod my head. "Yeah...I have to talk to my mom alone. It's best that way..." I gave an assuring smile. 

"Okay..." Ethan squeezed my hand. "Call me if..." he says worriedly.

"I will" I cut him off. 

He nods and stares out the window. I look too, and see my mom in front of the door. She looked like she hadn't slept in years even though its only been two days. 

"I guess that's my cue" I joke.

Ethan didn't laugh or smile. He gave my hand another squeeze and kissed my forehead. I gave him a last smile and got out the car. When he drives away, I slowly walk up to my mom. 

I look down and stare at my shoes. 

"I'm sorry--" I say, but was cut off with my mom's arms wrapped around me. She was hugging me tight.. and crying?

"Where have you been? I've been worried sick!" she cries out. 


"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you" she pulls away and I could see her face stained with tears. I was shocked. I was expecting her to be furious and yelling at me even more, but she was apologizing? 

"Mom..." I repeat, just so surprised. 

"The other day I got carried away. I freaked out when I saw you in that video and said things I shouldn't have"

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