Chapter 29

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Lucille's POV

We were putting our clothes back on now. I was struggling with my bra when I heard a chuckle. I looked up to Ethan staring straight at me. I scrunched up. 

"You're still cute as ever." 

I ignored his comment and went back to trying to clip my bra strap back together. 

"All you had to do was ask," Ethan said as his finger tips sent tingles down my back. I didn't reply back. He gently turned my body so that my back was facing him. I straightened my back by his touch. He clipped my bra, but his hands didn't move from my back. Instead, he brought them to my shoulders and squeezed them. He was closer to me now. His breathe sent chills down my spine. He brought his lips to the back of my neck and kissed it. 

With his lips still planted on my skin, "Do we really have to go back?"

I brought my hands around to my neck and held his head. I took a breather because I didn't want to go either. Once we left this moment, things would go back to being complicated.

I let go of my arms and took Ethan's hands off my shoulders. I turned to face him. 

"It's getting late. April is probably waiting for me." 

He held on tight to my hands and looked down at them.

"I know. I just wished..." 

He looked up. I stared back.

"Everything's complicated right now... We'll have to figure it out, but at least I--I know now"

I smiled at him. 

"So you'll forgive me?" he asked, hopeful. 

"I don't know.. I don't know about any of this right now, but I do know this. We can start back up one day at a time."

He raised an eyebrow. 

I slightly giggled. 

"It means I can't fully forgive you yet, but we'll get there soon"

Ethan nodded. 

"I can wait a lifetime... The feeling of you not with me hurt more than I thought it could."

I looked at him and leaned in closer. I pecked his lips. 

"You already got the most important anyways," I whispered with a  tease.

He smiled and kissed me. He pulled away and back to reality we went. 

Ethan dropped me off at my house and before leaving, gave me a soft, gentle kiss. 

My heart fluttered to know I had his lips back. Before April came running outside, I quickly opened the door and left. When I got inside the house, Ethan drove off. 

"Where'd you go?" April said, surprising me. 

"I had something to do..." I lied. 

She gave a disappointing look.

Oh shoot, did she catch me? 

Her smile turned to a smirk which gave me relief. 

"Hm, does it have to do something with Theo? I heard a car engine outside...did he drop you off?"

I smiled nervously.

"Yeah...I'm tired, I think I'm going to go shower," I said quickly as I walked upstairs to my room.

"Wait! You can't just leave me on a cliff--" she shouted running after me.

I got to the room and set my bag down. 

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