Chapter 40 - Last Chapter

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Before I start the last chapter to this series, I want to thank everyone who has been there since day 1 of Ethan and Lucille's love ( or even those who starting reading last night and getting here. ahah (I applaud you!)) and making it hit almost 10 million reads. I never imagined this would happen, but one day I logged in and it happened. YOU amazing people starting reading this amateur's first book on Wattpad. So thank you so much. <3 For those who have been asking, there are no plans for a sequel at the moment, but if the chance ever arises, I hope you guys will still come back to read it ahah. In the mean time, please anticipate future work that I may have. >____< Here, I leave you with the last chapter of this book. I love you guys to the moon and back. <3

Ethan's POV

In the morning, I came back from a long, morning run and saw my father on the phone. He looked extremely happy and excited. He looked over at me and gave me a thumbs up. He acted like we were cool. Like we were the best of friends, but I differed. After the way he acted with Lucille, I couldn't bare to call him father for acting so despicable. From the look he was giving however, he looked proud, satisfied, and happy. I became curious of who he was talking about.

"Thanks, Dan. Thank you," he repeated. He then looks over at me. With open arms, he hugs me and then pulls away.

"We finally did it!" he says, in excitement.

"Did what? Who was that?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"That was Dan. Remember Dan, the one with connections to the Major League Baseball?"

"What did he say?" I asked. I knew where this was going. Scouts have been checking out players to draft this past year. I never told Lucille this because I wanted to go to college first, but I applied and the scouts have been coming to watch my baseball games.

"Oh son! I'm so proud, that's all you need to know! Don't go anywhere at 3 o' clock. Make sure you're here!" was all he said before he pat me on the back and left. My lips stretched into a huge grin. Though I could despise my father so much right now, I knew what he meant. I had to tell Lucille.

I dialed Lucille, but she didn't pick up. I tried again, but nothing. What was wrong? Why wasn't she picking up? I try a third time. They say third time's the charm, but still nothing. I needed to take a shower and finish running some errands, so I decide I would call her later.

When it hit 2 o' clock, I called Lucille again. There was still no sign of her, so I left a message. I became anxious however, Lucille wouldn't be ignoring me, would she? I thought it'd be best if I just drove to her place to make sure, she was there. I grabbed my keys to go to her place, but my father stopped me.

"Where are you going? It's almost 3," he said in a stern voice.

"I have to check on Lucille," I say.

"C'mon, Ethan. You're about to get paid. Don't you want to see?"

I hesitate. Though I didn't want to admit, he was right. I didn't want to miss something like my future. He even invited some of his colleagues and friends to come watch the game. He was so definite about my career. I wanted to be definite too. I decided to call Lucille later. I put my phone away and head to the living room.

At 3, they began drafting their favorite players. On the edge of my seat, I became worried. Would I be an embarrassment? I was excited for nothing. Maybe I over exaggerated and they wouldn't want one. Finally, the New York Mets were up...

"Draft Pick #9 by the New York Mets.... Ethan Collins," the announcer called out. I froze. Was this a dream? I had no words, but my mind went straight to Lucille. I did it. No, we did it. Me and Lucille. My parens were hollering in excitement and happiness so were our family friends and my parent's colleagues. I had to tell Lucille. I couldn't wait. I dialed her number quickly, but she didn't pick up. Something felt wrong. Something must be wrong. Why wouldn't she answer me? I ran out the door and drove as quickly as possible to her house. When I got there, a silent and empty feeling began to creep up on me. I got out of the car and went to ring the doorbell. There was no answer, however. I rang the doorbell and kept pressing it with as much might as possible, but still nothing. I even resorted to banging. Something didn't feel right at all. Finally, I see a paper on the ground that I accidentally stepped on. I pick it up and read it. It was from Lucille...

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