Chapter 2

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Lucille's POV

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* My alarm rang. It was 7:00am. I was late. I brushed my teeth and threw my hair into a bun. I put on some eye liner and blush. I walked to school or more like I sped walk. I hated being late because it made feel like I was rushed. I hated being rushed. 

When I got inside school grounds, there were about 5 minutes left before the final bell. I decided to quickly drop off my books to my locker. I put my books inside when I got to my locker. Just when I was about to close it, I saw him looking my way. Our eyes met for a split second and then he looked away laughing at something one of the girls said. I quickly looked away and walked to first period. When I reached my class, I sat on my desk seat and thought about last night. What if Ethan hadn't come save me? Would I be dead right now? Just then the final bell rang, and I saw him walk in.

He walked towards his desk in the back. He gave me a small glance as he passed by. I looked away. The day went on like that during lunch and 4th period. I would see him give me little glances and as soon as I looked, he would look away. Why did he keep looking at me? I thought he would forget about helping me last night, even though I definitely did not. But then again, I'm not Ethan Collins--the boy with millions of girls at his feet who he probably already saved before me. I sighed. 

School was over and I walked to work. Work flew by pretty quickly, it was already 5 o'clock now. The cafe was going to be packed tonight because it was our special open mic night. I was cleaning one of the tables when I saw Ethan and his group of friends walk in. I walked away. I knew my manager would ask me to serve them. As soon as I turned around my manager yelled, "Lucy, Table 3". Damn it. With no choice, I walked towards table 3, Ethan and his group of friends. There were a bunch of girls and boys laughing at the table. One girl in particular was all over Ethan. She was putting her hands on his chest every time she laughed. She was trying way too hard. I finally reached their table despite my effort to walk slowly. 

"Welcome to Yummy's Cafe. What would you guys like?" I greeted with a fake smile.

"How about a non loser-lucy serving us?" said Katie, a girl who I despised. I wanted to slap her every time she opened her mouth. She was so annoying. She always had to be so mean. She always thought that she was better than everyone else. There was a rumor that she got her boobs and nose done. She also probably has AIDS right now with the amount of guys she likes to open her legs to. But, in honest truth, without her clan leader, Heather, the girl who was all over Ethan, she would be nothing...said everyone.

With the best fake smile I could give, I calmly replied, "I am sorry. As you can see, we're packed tonight in which all the other waiters are busy so I am your only choice of waitress tonight."

"You-" She was about to say something back when Ethan cut her off. 

Looking at me, he said, "I'll have a cheeseburger and garlic fries with a coke. Thanks." 

He gave me the menu.

Everyone else ordered too. Thank goodness Ethan helped shut her up or else I would have had to do some slapping tonight.

I avoided his table for the rest of the night.

As I was cleaning up a table, my manager yelled, "Lucy, the trash cans are full in the kitchen. Can you throw out the trash and change the trash bags?"

As I walked towards the kitchen, I saw Ethan's group of friends leave. With two trash bags in my hands, I opened the door that led to the back alley where the dumpster was . As soon as I opened the door a figure surprised me. It made me jump as I planted my hand on my chest. I saw it was Ethan when the figure came into light which relieved me in some way. As long as it wasn't some crazy dude with a knife trying to rob and kill me, I thought.

"You scared me!" I lightly shouted.

"Sorry. Totally forgot that you almost got robbed and killed by a psycho last night but wait, how

would I know that? " he said with a smirk. He even made a face like he was pretending to think. I rolled my eyes at him.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your friends?" I walked past him towards the dumpster, putting the bags of trashes in.

"Hmm, is that anyway to talk to the man that saved your life?" He teased me.

"I thought you would forget about it," I said coldly passing him again towards the door.

"I was a hero! How could I forget about that? Besides, I didn't get my 'thank you' yet" he said with such cockiness. 

I turned to face him. "Ohh, I didn't say it? Well, I'm sorry. Thank you" I said sarcastically. I was about turn back towards the door, but I felt him push me against it. His hands were above my head as he leaned over me.

"No, not that one. This one," he said before he smashed his lips onto mine with a tight hold on my face. He kissed me roughly. I tried to get rid of his hold on my face, but he held it tightly. I struggled to release from his tight hold. Finally, he pulled away. I was about to slap him, but he got a grip of my hand instead. I tried the other hand, but he got a hold of it too. He grabbed my cell phone from my apron pocket while he held both of my hands with one hand. He punched in some numbers and put my phone back in the apron pocket. He released his grip on my hands.

"You owe me now. You know that, right?" he smiled.

He then checked his phone. "Got it," he said to himself. With both hands out from his hold, I used the opportunity to slap him as hard as I could.

He looked at me while holding his cheek in surprise. I gave him one last disgusted face and walked back inside. 

I quickly wash my hands and touch my lips once inside. He kissed me...Ethan Collins kissed me...

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