Chapter 23

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Lucille's POV

I got off the counter and ran after him.


He got closer to the door.

"Stop!" I yelled. He continued walking. 

"Stop!" I screamed with all my might. "Stop saying crazy, weird things!" 

He stopped. I was breathing heavily. 

"I heard you the other night. You said you were sorry. Why did you say that?" I asked. 

"Why are you always trying to get into my business?"

"What business? I am YOUR business! You started this shit."

"Fine, let's fucking end it then!"

"What?" I said, taken aback. 

"I started this shit so let's end this. I don't want this anymore! I don't need this anymore."

What was wrong with him? A second ago he was asking me if I was okay, now he was mad? Was he bi-polar?

I took a big breath. I was scared. He sounded angry. Was he serious about ending this?

"I said I don't want us to argue, but we always do because I-- I can't help it. I'm your little secret. That's all I'm ever going to be, isn't it? I want you... I love you, Ethan but I could never, could I?" I sighed. "I just thought that maybe I had a chance. I knew I didn't but I hoped. I just hoped..." I walked towards him. Tears slowly streamed down my face.

"Well.. you thought right. You never had a chance."

"Why are you acting this way?" I asked, hurt and confused. 

"I planned everything!" he said with a tone of anger.

"What...?" I said, softly.

"I said I planned everything! That night you almost got robbed, I planned it. I needed a booty call and you were the perfect person. No one would talk to a loner like you. You would never be suspicious. I didn't think you were dumb enough to let me fuck you, but you did. You're actually more dumb than I thought."

"Why...?" I was drowned in tears. No... No...

"Because I'm rich and popular. I can do that. I can do whatever the hell I want. You think I would want you? You're the LAST person I would want."

"That's not true..." I said in disbelief. 

"Yes, it is! I could never love you."


"Yes, everything I said was true! You're just a pussy for my dick!"

I slapped him as hard as my strength allowed me to. 

"God. You actually thought I could love someone like you," he scoffed.

"No... you're lying!" I continued to deny.

"The only thing I lied about was loving you," he said, but I saw his eyes redden and water.

"You couldn't, but you did," I whispered. 


"You said you could never love me, but you did and you do. Why else would you be crying right now?" I said louder. 

"Stop kidding yourself, I could never imagine myself with someone like you!"

"Listen to yourself, Ethan! Now, you're lying to yourself. You didn't want to love me just like I didn't want to love you, but you do! You love me, Ethan!"

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