Chapter 4

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Lucille's POV


Was he really going to tell my mom? My mother couldn't know. She just couldn't. She would worry too much. She was already stressed enough from work and trying to keep a roof over our head. I couldn't let her get even more stressed about the fact that her daughter could die any moment from crazy psychopaths.

It was Saturday. Thank goodness. I wouldn't have to see anyone's face today especially that jacka**. I avoided him all day yesterday. I made sure no eye contact was made with him. 

I decided to start my project. I was going to do my part like I told Ethan. I just hope he was doing his part. Suddenly I got a text... from him. 

"I'm getting that 'yes'," was all it said. Just then, I heard the door bell ring and my mother call my name. Surprised, I went down stairs. Oh hell no. There he was....standing by my door. May I add with a smile. 

"You didn't tell me your friend was coming over to work on a project," my mother said, happily. That's because I didn't know, MOTHER. Why was she so happy? Wasn't she suppose to be mad like other mothers and say "NO BOYS ARE ALLOWED OVER". Oh My God, what did he say to my mother? She's suppose to tell him to go away or something, not smile. 

"Umm.. I guess it must of slipped my mind," I said, with a fake smile. I looked at him and gave him an angry look. 

He smiled at me. He needs to wipe off that smile before I kill him. 

"Well, you can be very forgetful, honey. Well come in..." my mother said, trying to get his name.

"Ethan," Ethan said proudly.

"Yes, come in Ethan." No mother, don't let him in. He's evil. 

"Did you guys want some snacks as you work on your project? I can go get some from the store if you guys want." Whats wrong with my mother? Why was she being so nice? She's suppose to be worried that there was a boy over. 

"No, it's okay mom. Ethan won't be here for long-"

"That would nice actually, Mrs. James. I am a little hungry. I forgot to eat breakfast this morning," Ethan said, cutting me off.

That's not the only thing he forgot. He forgot that I told him to f.u.c.k off but nooooooo, instead he decided to come to my house. 

"It's just Ms. and in that a case, I'll go grab something for lunch too," my mother smiled. 

My mother grabbed her purse and keys as she walked towards the door. 

"No, mom-"

"You kids study hard now," she said walking out the door. Is she kidding me? She left me with a boy. Most parents would not allow this. 

I turned towards him. "WHAT THE HE** ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I raised my voice in anger.

"Told you I'd get that yes, didn't I? " he smirked.

"By showing up at my house? Are you crazy? I said no already, why can't you leave me alone?"

"Because I need that yes"

"Well, you're not going to get it so LEAVE ME ALONE"

"I don't think I could do that" I was furious. Did he fall on his head when he was little? A no is a freakin no.

"Now should we get started on that project?" He said walking towards couch. 

What did he want? Why can't he just leave me alone?

We worked in silence in my living room. Or at least I tried.

"Don't you guys have a TV?" he said, suddenly.

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