Chapter 16

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Beep. Beep. Beeeeppp.

I hit the snooze button. I turned to face the left side. Slowly opening my eyes, I saw him. He was still here. My lips slowly formed into a smile. I reached my hands to his cheeks. He didn't budge. I drew an outline of his lips with my finger. When I got to the center of his lips, he suddenly opened his lips and bit my finger. 

"Ouch!" I pulled my finger out. He laughed with his eyes still closed, then he slowly opened it. 

I made a painful face to make him feel guilty. 

"You're so cute," he spoke with his groggy voice as he smiled wider. 

Pretending to be mad, I pulled myself away only for him to move his face closer to mine. He stared his beautiful eyes into mine. I stared back, thinking about how such a beautiful boy could be right beside me right now. He then slowly moved his forehead to lean against mine. As I stared into his eyes, there were so many things running through my mind. Would I ever be able to call this boy mine? Would I ever get to hold his hands in public? There were so many things going through my head, but right now, it felt...perfect. Him. Me. Us. Slowly, he reached his hands to hold onto my cheeks. He brought his lips to mine as I moved mine against his. We then pulled away. 

"Good morning," he said.

I just smiled as he rubbed his thumb against my cheeks. I closed my eyes. 

"We have to get up..." I said, but I didn't want those words to come true. I wanted to lay in bed with him all day. 

"No, we don't."

"Yes, we do, or else my mom will come in here, kill us, and our dead bodies will be late to school."

He just stared back at me with his cute smirk. 


He just kept smirking. 

"Ethan..., I'm serious," I said as I was about to get up. 

"Wait.." he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Let's play a game."

"Ethan..." I looked at him worriedly. I didn't want my mother to walk in. Everyday, I felt this way. 

"One game."

"My mom, she..."

"One," he insisted with his heart-melting smile, as he held up his finger. Who could resist this hot boy? 

I gave in. "Fine... one game." 

"Yes!" He was too happy about this. He jumped up from the bed as he came to sit in front of me with his legs crossed. I moved myself to the same position. 

"Okay. It's called What are the Odds?" I listened intently. 

He explained, "I'm going to ask a question like, 'What are the odds of you brushing your teeth?' Then, I'm going to give a number range like one through ten. From there, I'm going to countdown 3,2,1 and we both have to say a number between one and ten. If we say the same number, then you have to do what I asked. If we do not say the same numbers, then you don't have to do it. Got it?" I nodded my head. 

"Warm-up?" I nodded again. He smiled. 

"Okay, what are the odds of you kissing me right now? From 1 through 20.....3,2,1.."

"10," we both said. I was shocked that we both said the same number. He, however, was all too happy. 

He smirked then pulled my legs apart and towards him to wrap around his waist. He cupped my face and planted a long, sweet yet hot kiss on my lips. We both pulled away, breathless. His forehead was still against mine. And then, he moved his forehead. 

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