Chapter 6

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How would I face him today? I felt like I was always a different person because I didn't give up my virginity so easily. Now after last night, I was just like those other girls who just carelessly gave away their virginity. I was one of them... Shouldn't I feel ashame?

I put my books away inside my locker as usual. I saw him from my locker. He didn't look my way today. He was, once again, flirting with Heather. She kept putting her hands on his chest. No wonder... I found out from last night. He had the perfect body. I couldn't stop last night either. Why was I thinking these thoughts? I shook my head to get rid of them. I had become like those other girls now. The thought of his body and the way he kissed which makes your body hot. There, I went again thinking. I needed to stop.

The bell rang.

First period

"Remember that your projects are due next Thursday! I hope that most of you guys have started already! If not, you can just tell me that you want your F right now," Mr. Farras told us.

Oh shoot. I totally forgot about the project. I looked over to Ethan. He was laughing to something his friends said. How do I talk to him about the project? After what we've done, I felt awkward to text him. We've never talked in person at school.. at all. I knew my part of the project but did he? This was why I hated partner work.

I might as well talk to him now. What if I text him and he doesn't respond? Then, the project won't be finished. I would be doomed. I can't fail this class or any for that matter of fact. That just wasn't me. I took a deep breath and went up to him when the bell rang. He was still sitting down.

"Ethan, about the project.." he looked at me with those magical eyes of his.

"Ready to go, E?" Heather asked when she walked to his desk while giving me a death glare.

"Umm, yeah," he responded.

He put his stuff away and walked away with Heather. I scoffed. My eyes were starting to water. Why did I feel this way? Its not like I liked him or anything, but last night I lost my virginity to him. Maybe it didn't matter to him, but it did to me. 

I could hear Heather ask him, "What did she want?" to which he replied, "just about the project".

He didn't even look at me throughout the day. I thought maybe I should try again in 4th period, at least there wasn't a Heather there.

We had time to pack 5 minutes before the bell rang. I quickly packed my supplies and walked to his desk. He was talking to one of his friends.

"Hey Ethan," I said when I approached him. 

He turned around to look at me. He was smiling with his perfect teeth, but it faded when he saw me. 

"Oh hey," he said quietly. 

"Look, its LOOSY," one of the girls sitting by him said. I ignored her. I couldn't let people like them get to me, but I saw Ethan laugh with the others. That hurt me. I was used to it, but for him to laugh with them... it really hurt.

"I-I-just wanted to talk about the project. We really didn't get the chance to talk about it." 

Why did it feel like his friends were listening in?

"Okay then, talk" he said, arrogantly. 

"W-well, t-the -t-thing is," I stuttered. 

Why was I nervous? Why was I stuttering? I never stuttered with other people.

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